Ole V. Rasmussen
Om udforskning af Pædagogisk Psykologisk Rådgivning – mod et børneperspektiv »Det förhållande at speciallärare finns at tillgå legitimerar en pedagogik som i sig selv är selektiv och får segrererande konsekvenser, vilket medför att den inte behöver inkludere børn som har svårigheter«. Rasmussen, Ole, V. (School psychologist). Investigating the School Psychological Services – Towards a Child Perspective. Psykologisk Pædagogisk Rådgivning, 2001, Vol. 48, 4, 263-284. – Intrigued by the Bengt Persson doctoral thesis, »Specialpaedagogisk arbejde i Grundskolen« (The Special Pedagogical work in Elementary Schools), the author combines evidence by Wittgenstein, Foucault, and Uffe Juel Jensen abt. the prerequisites of knowledge and its uses. An analysis of Persson’s results shows that the special educational task is complex and contradictory; while the official goals are to support and stimulate the individual pupil with special needs, another more hidden goal is to remove the sp.ed. pupil in order to create more homogenous classrooms. Ray McDermott’s main conclusions are cited to illustrate this dilemma: as long as the category »learning difficulties« are maintained in our schools, as long will a certain part of our pupils be labelled thus. The following conclusions are made; 1. If more inclusion is going to come into use a categorical development must take place, in which the difficulties of pupils are also viewed as components of cooperation and competence in the school. 2. If more inclusion is to gain access a child perspective must be used, allowing a broader spectre of the pupils’s different competencies. |
René B. Christiansen
Overlevelsens hylster – forholdet mellem tillid og risiko i moderniteten Christiansen, René (Lecturer at The Holbæk Seminarium Teacher Training College). The Veil of Survival. The Relationship Between Trust and Risk in Modernity. Psykologisk Pædagogisk Rådgivning, 2001, Vol. 48, 4, 285-299. – The concepts trust and risk are of central importance in the discussions of the human conditions in the pedagogical psychological debate. These concepts are highlighted through references to Erikson, Bowlby, Bech, and Niklas Luhman and put into perspective by the reflections of Anthony Giddens. Trust is the prerequisite of movement, action and opportunities. Mistrust leads to stillnes, lack of feelings of cohesion. Life in a modern society demands that the risks of danger and destruction, that are visible everywhere, are balanced by a qualified effort to establish trust; otherwise a development of personality fit for survival could not be possible. |
Bo Jørgensen
Selvtillid hos børn med tidligere sproglige vanskeligheder På PPR i Greve Kommune har en arbejdsgruppe undersøgt, hvordan børn, som tidligere har gået i kommunens sproggrupper for svært dysfatiske førskolebørn har klaret efter skolestarten. Man har fulgt alle børn født i 1988 og 1989, som gik i sproggruppe i førskolealderen, og som stadig bor i kommunen. I den forbindelse har børnenes lærere udfyldt et spørgeskema, som blandt andet har vist at det var lærernes opfattelse, at mange af disse børn har problemer med selvtillid og selvværd, på trods af at lærerne mente, at 75% af eleverne klarer sig godt på det følelsesmæssige og sociale område (Hegerlund og Severinsen, under forberedelse). Jørgensen, Bo (Psychologist at the School Psychological Services of Greve). Self Confidence of Children With Early Linguistic Difficulties. Psykologisk Pædagogisk Rådgivning, 2001, Vol. 48, 4, 300-304. – 24 children born in 1988 – 89 who had been taught in language stimulation groups earlier and a control group of 30 participated in a survey in Greve. A comparison was made, using a recently developed Swedish self-confidence in entory , »Jag Tycker Jag Är« (I Think I Am). Significant differences were found for: Common Self-Confidence, Skills and Talents, Relations with Family, Relations With Others. Insignificant differences (but in the same direction) were found for Physical Qualities and Psychical Health. It seem that children with serious, early linguistic difficulties have large problems with their self confidence. These findings put demands on the school psychological services as well as on the schools to be more observant and to focus more on the individual strenghts of the children, and to step up cooperation with parents |