Bjarne Nielsen, Jens Rasmussen, Mads Hermansen
Pædagogisk-psykologiske perspektiver Bjarne Nielsen: Forord og Indledning Jens Rasmussen: Inklusion og eksklusion – om skolens rummelighed Mads Hermansen: Hvad er pædagogisk psykologi? Bjarne Nielsen: Krav og forventninger til PPRs opgaveløsning Pædagogisk Psykologisk Rådgivning, 2003, Vol. 40, 6, 672-685. – The school psychological services are met with a variety of demands and is at the same time subject to large differences between municipalities as to budget, number of staff etc. The author finds the following tasks for the services of utmost importance: referral of new children/clients should be limited, school psychologists should participate in the general discussion of teaching, all inventions should be evaluated, special education should be better qualified, expectations should be discussed and met with in realistic ways, the services should document their visions, thoughts and experiences, screenings should be used more generally, the school psychological examinations should encompass possible explanations of the problem and point to more than one conclusion. – B. Glæsel |
Ole Bang-Larsen
Classroommanagement Ikke udfyldt Bang-Larsen, Ole (Chief educational psychologist of Brædstrup). Classroom Management. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Rådgivning, 2003, Vol. 40, 6, 686-691. – While most of the school psychological efforts are directed towards children with special needs, CM pertains teaching in normal classrooms. It is a relatively simple concept, being in fact behaviour modification. The author has already met with a large number of classes, profiting from this approach. – B. Glæsel |
Jørn Nielsen
PPR i en omstillingstid Ikke udfyldt Nielsen, Jørn (Lecturer at the Danish Pedagogical University). School Psychology in a time of change. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Rådgivning, 2003, Vol. 40, 6, 692-711. – If school psychology is to survive as a trustworthy partner for the school system it has to broaden its perspective: this implies functions as consultants and supervisors for teachers and daycare institutions. It should work with extended systems of child, parents, group, professionals and formal and informal networks. At the same time ethics are essential. – B. Glæsel |
Charlotte Højholt
Brugerne og PPR Ikke udfyldt Højholt, Charlotte (Lecturer at the Roskilde University Center). The Users and School Psychology. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Rådgivning, 2003, Vol. 40, 6, 712-732. – A case-study is presented in detail as a common denominator of a large number of experiences from visits to classrooms. In the case a school beginner is viewed very differently by the persons involved from parents to teachers and psychologists. A bearing mark for all involved should be to support a child’s learning and development through participation. The focus should be on the child’s individual interests, possibilities, and resources. And most important is to develop child communities in which responsibilities are both distributed and shared. – B. Glæsel |
Henning Strand
Konsultativt arbejde I de seneste år har konsultationsbegrebet og konsultationsmetoder indtaget en stadig mere central plads i PPR-arbejdet. Denne ændring hænger snævert sammen med ny, forsknings- og praksisbaseret viden om det enkelte menneskes udvikling gennem sociale relationer. Artiklen præsenterer en praksisnær, men også teoretisk funderet tilgang til konsultation i en folkeskolekontekst, og en efterfølgende case eksemplificerer en konsultationsproces. Af Henning Strand Strand, Henning (Chief educational psychologist in Herlev). Consultative Work. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Rådgivning, 2003, Vol. 40, 6, 733-753. – In the latest years the concept of consultation and consultative methods have become quite central in the school psychological work. This is closely connected to new knowledge based on research as well as new experiences from practice about Individual development through social relations. A case study of consultative work in a difficult class is described, and the author wonders based on very good results that interventions in large systems can be so efficient. One key prerequisite is that the consultant retains his metaposition. – B. Glæsel |
Henning W. Nielsen
Den pædagogisk-psykologiske undersøgelse og vurdering Ikke udfyldt Nielsen, Henning W. (Chief educational psychologist). The School Psychological Examination. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Rådgivning, 2003, Vol. 40, 6, 754-763. – While in a historical light, the school psychological examination has almost entirely dealt with individual problems, pertaining to the child, a more ecological frame of reference has received much attention in later years. Inspired by a doctoral thesis of B. Liljegren, the author presents a constellation of the two radically different approaches. The traditional approach has the following characteristics: the problem is defined beforehand, it is an objective description, data must be gathered, criteria are formal, diagnoses are sought, the psychologist is seen as the expert and must supply descriptions that can prescribe teacher acting. This approach has its advantages when the problem is limited and when specific plans are to be made within shorter periods. The ecological perspective mirrors continuous dialogue between child, psychologist, parents and teachers. The psychologist is seen as a consultant in a process. The main advantages are seen with multidimensional problems, and establishment of continuous collaboration. – B. Glæsel |
Poul Nissen
Om udarbejdelse af behandlingsplaner i psykosocialt perspektiv Ikke udfyldt Nissen, Poul (Lecturer at the Danish Pedagogical University). Treatment Plans in a Psychosocial Perspective. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Rådgivning, 2003, Vol. 40, 6, 764-783. – A model for developing treatment plans for children with severe socio-emotional problems is presented, combining two fundamental assumptions: that the underlying reasons for the problem is to be found in both the individual and in his relations with others. The individual must be understood on several levels: social functions, cognitive style, coping strategies, bio-physically, object representations, self image etc. Descriptive data are gathered and subjected to theoretical analyses that lead to hypotheses about the behaviour finally leading to intervention. A detailed case-study is presented. – B. Glæsel |