Anja Hvidtfeldt Stanek
Rummelighed – eller fokus på handlemuligheder i og på tværs af børns rum Hvis der skal arbejdes pædagogisk i daginstitutioner med børn med særlige behov kan det være en god idé at kigge nærmere på de betingelser børnene har for at handle i institutionen. Det er ikke nok at se på hvad personale- og børnegruppen kan ’rumme’, men hvad barnet »rummes i«, og hvilke muligheder konkrete fællesskaber giver konkrete børn. Denne artikel handler om at det kan være relevant at rette blikket mod børns handlemuligheder når der skal tænkes i ’rummelighed’. 6. Stanek, Anja Hvidtfeldt (M.A: in Pedagogy and Psychology). Inclusion. Psykologisk Pædagogisk Rådgivning , 2006. Vol. 43, 3-13. – While inclusion is often viewed in terms of attitudes from teachers etc. this article takes the view of the child in a kindergarten. It is important to reflect on the connections between the teachers’ wishes to have children participate and their possibilities to create changes in the child’s surroundings. If teachers wish to change or support the development of children, they must seek the perspective of the child and understand its intentions. – B. Glæsel |
Olav Lunde
Lærevansker i matematikk – en spesialpedagogisk utfordring for PPR! Vi vet at ca. 7.000 grunnskolelever (10-15 % av elevkullet) årlig står i fare for å gå ut av ungdomstrinnet uten å beherske de fire regningsartene hvis de ikke får hjelp i matematikken (Ostad, 1999). Dette er barn med lærevansker i matematikk og behov for tilrettelagt opplæring i matematikk. Det ser ikke ut til at de får den hjelpen de har krav på, slik at de mestrer hverdagen og kan fungere i skolen og samfunnet som selvhjulpne individer. Få av disse blir henvist til PPT i Norge og PPT synes å ha liten kompetanse på dette feltet (Lunde, 2004). Det å ha omfattende lærevansker innen matematikkfaget har blitt kalt for «lærevansken skolen glemte». Dette er nå i ferd med å endre seg. Statlig spesialpedagogisk støttesystem i Norge satser nå på å bygge opp kompetanse om matematikkvansker ved alle sentra for sammensatte lærevansker.1 I november 2005 ble den 3. nordiske forskerkonferanse om matematikkvansker arramgert ved Aalborg Universitet. Den første ble arrangert i Kristiansand i regi av Forum for matematikkvansker i 2001. 2. Lunde, Olav (Professor of Special Education, Oslo). Learning Difficulties in Math. Psykologisk Pædagogisk Rådgivning , 2006. Vol. 43, 14-28. – Although learning difficulties in math are widespread – most reports suggest 10-20% of all pupils – little knowledge abt. their causes is to be found. It is commonly suggested, that four types of causes may be found: neurological – psychological – sociological – didactic. The symptoms are identical whatever cause is found. This poses a large problem for the school psychological work and for special education. The author makes these suggestions for remedial teaching: training of words, symbols and linguistic awareness – problem solving i.e. to develop general strategies to systemize information, to organize own thinking, to evaluate solutions – making the child think aloud – give the pupils calculators – be aware of not unusual MBD-problems. There is no single method that solves the math problems. The most important question is to seek to find out what the pupil is striving with and then search for possible causes of his difficulties. – B. Glæsel |
Ulla Kobberup
Tegning og personlighed Følgende artikel redegør for et projekt, der sammenstiller tegning og Rorschachtestning i en struktureret prøvesituation, samt indsamler ialt 72 »Tegneprotokoller«, hvoraf de 17 vurderes ud fra de samme kriterier, som Killingmo opstiller og anvender på Rorschachtests med sin Egopsykologiske model for personlighedsudviklingen, som den er præsenteret i »Rorschachmetode og psykoterapi« (1988). Tegneopgaverne gennemførtes med elever fra 7.8. og 9. klasse, som undersøgeren ikke kendte, hvorefter beskrivelserne af eleverne herfra, blev sammenholdt med lærerens beskrivelser af eleverne. Læreren foretog derefter en vurdering af undersøgerens beskrivelser fra testen, med enten »Fint«, »Middel« eller »Dårlig«. Resultatet af 17 vurderinger var: »Fint« 12, »Middel« 1, »Dårlig« 4. Forfatteren argumenterer derfor for en udvidet brug af tegning i pædagogisk og testmæssig sammenhæng, til større forståelse af eleverne og deres verden. 5. Kobberup, Ulla (Psychologist) Drawing and personality. Psykologisk Pædagogisk Rådgivning , 2006. Vol. 43, 20%5. – The following article deals with a project, comparing drawings and Rorschach testing in a structured situation. Furthermore, the project makes a comparison of 17 »Drawing protocols« with the same criterias described by Killingmo in his book: »Rorschachmethod and Psychotherapy«(1988). The drawings were made by pupils from 7. 8. and 9. grade, unknown to the tester. Afterwards, the tester’s description of the pupils were compared with the description from the teacher. The teacher then made a choice of the descriptions from the test as: »Excellent«, »Middle« or »Bad«. The result of 17 descriptions was: »Exellent«12, »Middle«1 and »Bad« 4. Consequently, the author argued for a wider use of drawings in pedagogic and testing context, in order to obtain a wider understanding of the pupils and their world. |
Annalise Rust
Hypnoterapeutisk behandling i forhold til traumatiserede børn Artiklen beskriver eftervirkninger og hypnoterapeutisk behandling af tre traumatiserede børn mellem 6 og 9 år. For to af børnene lå den traumatiserede hændelse indenfor de to første leveår, dvs. før de havde udviklet tilstrækkeligt sprog til at verbalisere traumet. Børnenes naturlige forestillingsevne blev anvendt gennem hypnoterapeutiske teknikker. Behandlingen beskriver, hvordan det er muligt hurtigt og effektivt at opløse eftervirkninger af en traumatisk oplevelse fysisk og følelsesmæssigt, så barnet kan genoptage en sund og normal udvikling. 1. Rust, Annalise (Psychotherapist). Hypnotherapeutic Treatment of Traumatised Children. Psykologisk Pædagogisk Rådgivning , 2006. Vol. 43, 56-74. – Relating three cases of Hypnotherapeutic Treatment (H.T.) with children, suffering from different kinds of trauma, the author discusses H.T. with children. In the cases both regression and progression wre used: a controlled therapeutic dissociation that implies that the client can split into one person who experiences, and another who observes. Verbalization is, however, not always a prerequisite. For these children the need was to find new coping strategies in order to cure their readiness for alarm. Compared with psychoanalysis, H.T. avoids resistance and transference. While the two different approaches may be complementary, H.T. is a much quicker method. The author recommends more widespread use of H.T. with children. |
Anne Marie Sørensen og Anne Marie Kidde
På vej … Introduktion af en ny kvalitativ screeningsprøve for tosprogede elever uden forhåndskendskab til dansk 7. Sørensen, Anne Marie & Kidde, Anne Marie (Psychologists in the Red Cross and the School Psychological Office of Copenhagen). »On the Way…«. Psykologisk Pædagogisk Rådgivning , 2006. Vol. 43, 75-81. – This article introduces a new screening test, designed by the authors, aimed at immigrant children and refugee children with no knowledge of Danish language. The test has one version for 7-10 year olds and one for 11-16. It consists of 11 non verbal tasks of a visual , conceptual and/or practical kind. The main purpose of the test is to give teachers of recently arrived immigrant children some knowledge abt. the children’s academic skills and to begin teaching on a realistic foundation. The test has been analyzed and revised, using test results from 500 children. The test has high face validity and is found very useful by the teachers. – |
Susanne Høeg
Erfaringer med psykologisk rådgivning og behandling til adoptivfamilier. Post Adoptive Services (PAS) »Tidlig forebyggende indsats« i adoptivfamilien (post adoptive services) – hvad handler det om? Adoptivforældre og adoptivbarnet mødes. Forventningerne er store i hvert fald hos forældrene. Men utryghed og usikkerhed kan der også være – hos begge parter. Men hen ad vejen udvikles tilknytningen og båndene mellem forældre og barn. De bånd der skal bære dem igennem i mange år som familie og ikke mindst sikre barnet en god udvikling og sikre forældrene en glæde over at være blevet forældre til netop dette barn – deres barn. Artiklen vil berøre emnerne: Hvad er det for en omstillingsproces som den nybagte adoptivfamilie står i, samt hvilken rådgivning og behandling kan forældrene have brug for? Hvorfor er det vigtigt at forstå adoptivfamilien som en anderledes familie? Hvilke udfordringer giver det os som psykologer og professionelle i mødet med adoptivfamilien? 8. Høeg, Susanne (Child therapist, chief psychologist at the Child and Youth Psychiatric Hospital in Aalborg). Experiences with Post Adoptive Services (PAS). Psykologisk Pædagogisk Rådgivning , 2006. Vol. 43, 82-102. – Based on experiences from counseling and psychiatric treatment of adoption families, the author discusses the demands that a number of adoption families have for counseling etc. e.g. when the adopted child has development problems or when a child adopted at a later age than 2-3 years has attachment problems. She advises, that an optimum PAS should comprise: home visits to new adoption families, telephone counseling, guidance and counseling in specific cases, outgoing consultants, individual therapy, family therapy, and discussion groups for children, youngsters and adults. – |
Hanne Vang
BørneChatten – www.bornsvilkar.dk Ikke udfyldt 3. Vang, Hanne (Coordinator in the Child Guidance of »The Condition for Children«). The Child Telephone on the Internet. Psykologisk Pædagogisk Rådgivning , 2006. Vol. 43, 103-108. – In 1987 »The Child Telephone« was established. In 2001 this was upgraded with a net-based variety esp. directed towards boys between 12-14. In 2004 7,125 children phoned the C.T. while 782 used the internet version. Seen from a systemic social constructionistic angle the internet adviser’s aim is to create a collaboratory context and in a dialogical way construct new stories abt. the child’s problem. – B. Glæsel |
Mai Hansen
Rådgivning på nettet Ikke udfyldt 4. Hansen, Mai (Journalist at the Danish Cancer Society). Guidance on the Internet. Psykologisk Pædagogisk Rådgivning , 2006. Vol. 43, 109-112. – For some cancer patients it is too difficult to make a phone call to the Cancer Society, whereas an e-mail may be feasible. One of the reasons for this may be the patient’s wish to be anonymous. However, 9 out of 10 e-mails change into phone conservations on the initiative of the counselor. But two psychologists present very positive experiences from internet groups: 8 patients and 2 counsellors meet in a closed chatroom for 12 weeks. They do not chat simultaneously but freely, 24 hours a day. The psychologists do, however, warn against internet groups at the expense of live groups. – B. Glæsel |