- Nielsen, Bjarne (Chairman of the Association of Educational Psychologists).
School Psychology and the Three Legged Strategy.PPT – – – . – The general assembly
of the association has decided on this action program: the AEP shall sustain
a three legged strategy: individual examinations of children, indirect support i.e.
counseling and supervision, and direct intervention towards children, groups, classes,
and schools. Much effort must be made to ensure high quality in each area, and
ethical considerations must be made. – Bjørn Glæsel.
- Jessen, Karen & Nüchel, Charlotte (Psychologists in the Family Team in Herlev).
Family Therapy in School Psychology. PPT – – – . – For some years F.T.
has become a part of school psychology in Herlev. Many kinds of problems have
been dealt with: dysfunctional families, teen age problems, child rearing, divorce
problems etc. There are two important prerequisites for good results: the motivation
of the family, and its capacity to reflect on own practice, and the capability of the
psychologists to grasp the departure point of the family and to follow the family’s
efforts. –Bjørn Glæsel.
- Sahl, Freddy (Head educational psychologist in Hvidovre).The School Psychological
Office as Project Leader. PPT – – – – . – Educational psychology must
make itself aware of the organizational levels and the hierarchy in the school system.
Hvidovre has a long history of e.p. taking part in developmental projects of many
kinds. A present example is the e.p. monitored LP-Project (Thomas Nordahl’s learning
environment and pedagogical planning). Some general findings are presented:
organizational space must be created and maintained, discussions of purposes and
goals are important in order to create common consent, theory and practice must be
integrated, and good stories must be shared and published. – Bjørn Glæsel.
- Hansen, Ole & Andersen, Jens (Project leaders of the LP-Model).School Psychology
as Change Agents ?.PPT – – – . – Thomas Nordahl’s LP-Model is presented.
Instead of searching for explanations of individual problems , the model builds on
four principles: conflict and behavior are social constructs, expectations of the future
are essential, analyses and change happen concurrently, and optimism as in appreciative
inquiry is important. The method consists of two steps: an analysis of the
factors that are seen as prolonging the problem, and a plan involving all parties to
remedy the problem. A large and growing number of Danish schools are involved in
this project. – Bjørn Glæsel.
- Broegaard, Annette & Rasmussen, Lene (Psychologist and sp.ed. consultant
in Herlev). Class Intervention. PPT – – – . – For 10 ys. class intervention has been
one of many strategies in Herlev. In each case both pupils, teachers, and parents are
involved. At two to four meetings the problems are discussed, main points focused on,
and progress noted. While success is not obtained each time, the results are found to
be generally very positive and helpful for all involved. – Bjørn Glæsel.
- Haarder, Bertel (Minister of Education).Educational Psychology Must
Ensure Quick and Qualified Help. PPT – – – , – Educational psychology plays
an important role, analyzing pupil troubles and problems. Growing demands of the
municipalities mean larger demands of e.p. to gain insight, be well informed, and
specialize more. It is very important that all educational psychologists including the
many recently employed ones are meticulously introduced to the many kinds of specialinstitutions and schools and possibilities of support. – Bjørn Glæsel.
- Lange, Dorte (Chairperson for the educational policy of the Danish Teachers’
Union). Educational Psychology Now and in the Future. PPT – – – – . – The
Teachers’ Union acknowledges that educational psychologists spend more time in
indirect ways as consultants and supervisors. However, this should be in close proximity
to the teaching itself. Physically this means, that the psychologists should visit
classrooms, supervise teachers etc. “Close” also means that supervision should deal
directly with teaching, and finally that advice to teachers should deal with teaching
matters. – Bjørn Glæsel.
- Gaardsmand, Solveig (Chairperson of the Parent Counseling of the PTA).The
Parent’s View of Educational Psychology Now and in the Future. PPT – – – . –
Educational psychologists should be more visible in the schools, waiting lists should
be shortened or removed by spending more resources, parents should be clearly informed
about the kinds of support to be expected, a special effort should be made towards
ethnic minorities, and they should be at hand at short notice in cases of crises
etc. Finally they should be given the authority to not only propose solutions but in
fact decide on and instigate these. – Bjørn Glæsel
- Hjortdal, Claus (Deputy chairman of the Union of Head Teachers).Educational
Psychology Now and in the Future. PPT – – – . – The cooperation betw. heads
and school psychologists is extremely important: psychologists have the necessary
knowledge abt.problems, and heads have the necessary knowledge abt. the schools’
capacities to solve the problems. The future role of e.p. is to ensure a continuous cohesion
in the school system. They should become more consultative, and they should
cooperate with the social services in family work. Finally they should participate in
further training of teachers. – Bjørn Glæsel.
- Christensen; Per, B. (Chairman of theUnionof Child and Culture Administrators).
Educational Psychology Now and in the Future. PPT – – – . –E.p. has an
important role, collecting and distributing knowledge in the municipalities. Do we
use our psychologists in the best ways possible? Do we get the ultimate output from
our investments? Is e.p. top qualified to do their job? What new competences should
we seek, and what kinds of further education? Psychologists are part of the municipal
organization and administration. Therefore the goals, issues, and resources allocated
should be recognized by them. Seen in the light of the future, new kinds of professionals
should become part of e.p.: experts in group- and organizational development,
development of research based methods and application in practice. – Bjørn Glæsel.