Hamre, Bjørn (Lecturer at Aarhus University). Special needs education between
the ideal of inclusion and management of potentiality. Pædagogisk
Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2014, Vol. 51, 3, 122-140. – According to The Danish School
reform of 2014 students has to be as talented as they can. I argue that these expectations
position the student in a demand for managing and realizing his potentiality
as a learning subject. When the school almost simultaneously is expected to be
inclusive, special needs gets the function of something preliminary that intends to
reposition the excluded students as desirable learning objects in the eye of the Competition
State. This preliminary function takes place through compensating technologies.
The five technologies are: teaching work as a guidance, caring of the student’s
emotions, appreciation of the student’s competences, structure as a method
and diagnosing. These technologies reflect how disciplines like psychology and psychiatry
involve various capacities to meet the Competition State’s expectations for
each student’s management of his potentiality as a learner.