Development of effective pedagogical work in daycare institutions
By Charlotte Ringsmose & Annette Breinholt
According to research, children from disadvantaged positions benefit from high- quality care. In this study, we investigated new ways of working together across the municipality and two child care centres in order to find ways to develop high-quali- ty care in centres with high numbers of children from disadvantaged backgrounds. The study shows that the cooperate model, along with the intense focus on develo- ping good practices, has benefitted the quality of the centres. In particular, one cen- tre with the highest numbers of children in disadvantaged positions showed good results from the intervention. The important aspects were the shared focus and the shared language together with management follow up at all levels. The project shows good perspectives for development in centres with high numbers of children from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Corporeality and affectivity in pedagogues’ interactions with children in nursery
By Sanne Lindorff Gebhardt and Lone Svinth
The purpose of the study is to explore how the bodily and affective interaction bet- ween pedagogues and 0-2-year-old nursery children has an impact on the children’s experience of themselves. The study is based on a body phenomenological perspecti- ve, and the empirical basis consists of 2 days of participant observations at “Stjer- nestuen”, which is part of an integrated ECEC institution located in a suburb of Co- penhagen. Our study shows how educators and children, through their bodily and affective appearance in interaction, carry meanings with them and appeal to each other in particular effective ways. The study shows the potential a more holistic, existential and in-depth understanding and recognition of corporeality and affec- tivity can have in a nursery context.
Writing in pedagogical practice. Out of the drawer and the closet and into the pedagogical processes – PPVs, references and notes
By Lone Hygum and Sara Bork
In this article, we suggest that the written work (Pædagogisk psykologiske vurde- ringer) from PPR often is seen as the concluding act, anticipated but not incorpo-
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rated into a pedagogical context. We suggest and exemplify that the writing process is a more continuous part of the pedagogical transition and coordinated with the network – hence it has greater value and probably also less time spent in front of the computer, time that could have been better spent with the network or in a pe- dagogical context, which is adjacent to both PPR’s, the Ministery’s and other profes- sional’s agenda.
A critical perspective on the application of special pedagogical methods in the work with inclusion
By Anna Thea Hald Jørgensen and Caroline Skjoldbirk Andersen
In this article, we present a case study of how “autism-friendly” strategies may be used in a state school classroom to include a student diagnosed with Infantile Autism. Strategies for special education are often implemented in Danish state schools to extend and secure the inclusion of children with special needs.
Through an analysis based on cultural psychology, we argue that children’s de- velopmental opportunities can be limited when special education strategies are used uncritically. More specifically, Jaan Valsiner ́s (1997) zone concepts are uti- lised to underline how certain types of special education strategies are used to set up specific developmental zones for children that may limit the child’s development.
It is argued that an ongoing reflection and critical view on how we use special education strategies and methods, in addition to a recognition of the child’s own perspective, is important if we want to explore and actualise the child’s individual developmental potential.
A psychologist’s reflections on interdisciplinary environmental therapeutic day treatment
By Julie Noack Skærbæk
This article is about milieu therapy and the role of a psychologist, and it is a psy- chologist’s reflections on practice experiences. It is argued and exemplified how doi- ng milieu therapy is a complex praxis situated between people who interact and af- fect each other reciprocally while producing possibilities for development.
Mindfulness and relational competence – socio-emotional learning in school
By Lise Réol
In the last decades, there has been an increased focus on how to support teachers’ and students’ social-emotional competencies in school. Mindfulness has been intro- duced as a tool to improve these competencies for both teachers and students, but what do we know about the connection between social-emotional competencies and mindfulness?
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This article presents research that suggests that teachers who practise mindful- ness regularly are more caring, friendly, and responsive. Furthermore, studies show that mindfulness affects our ability to control emotions, which is crucial to our ability to regulate the interactions with others in the classroom. Finally, studies in- dicate that students’ empathic abilities are strengthened through mindfulness. However, studies are generally small and often of relatively poor quality, and we must bear in mind that mindfulness is not a pleasant experience for all students. It can be related to discomfort and pain to feel oneself.
Making sense of digitalisation from a child’s perspective – TikTok and persistent imitation
By Mathias Nimgaard Larsen
This paper presents an interpretative approach to digitalisation and children’s de- velopment. The analysis and discussion are based on an empirical qualitative study consisting of semi-structured interviews with educational staff and children.
More specifically, children’s experiences of the social media TikTok will be analy- sed from a cultural and existential theoretical standpoint. The aim is to understand digitalisation from a child’s perspective and, thus, comprehend what it means for children to become subjects with (digital) cultural meanings guiding the develop- mental processes.
This will be done with special attention to James Mark Baldwin’s theoretical con- cept of persistent imitation. As a developmental process, persistent imitation emp- hasises the interdependence between the collective cultural meanings and personal sensemaking. Therefore, the analysis will focus on the dialectic developmental give- and-take process with attention to why children persistently imitate something (and not something else).
In this sense, participation in TikTok as a cultural activity is theorised as part of children’s intentional co-creation of collective meanings and, thus, part of their being-in-the-world.
The work with inclusion in primary school. A qualitative study of competence development of primary and lower secondary school professionals
By Emilie Buur Kristensen
An increasing number of students in Danish primary schools are segregated to a special education offer. In an attempt to reduce this increase, PPR in Aarhus has designed a pedagogical practice called mellemformer, which combines general and special pedagogy. The establishment of mellemformer depends on a competence de- velopment course for teachers and pedagogues. This assignment assumes that PPR, with the competence development course, intervenes in a complex system due to multiple interactions between actors. An analysis based on qualitative interviews
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with teachers and pedagogues confirms this assumption. The analysis finds that PPR seems to have created the conditions to succeed with inclusion in the form of the establishment of mellemformer. However, the analysis finds that teachers’ and pedagogues’ teaching practices, in which PPR intervenes, are influenced by actors both in this system and outside this system. Based on this finding, the assignment concludes that the establishment of mellemformer is conditional on PPR being able to create consistency between the systemic parts that constitute teacher’s and peda- gogue’s teaching practices.
Efficacy of EMDR in developmentally traumatised children – A literature review
By Hanne Nissen Boer, Annie Gerstrøm and Marianne Nørmølle
The aim of this review is to examine existing research with regard to the efficacy of EMDR treatment in children with developmental trauma.
We conducted a literature search in the Google Scholar database and The Franci- ne Shapiro Library, focusing on articles published from 2000 to the present day. We identified randomised controlled studies and published literature reviews regarding the effect of treatment with EMDR on developmentally traumatised children. Fi- nally, we browsed through the references of the literature reviews to identify ar- ticles that had not appeared in the primary search.
We found seven relevant empirical studies that assessed EMDR treatment with children suffering from developmental trauma. EMDR was compared to cognitive behavioural therapy, treatment as usual or a control group. All seven studies show- ed significant effects of EMDR with regard to the reduction of trauma symptoms in children with multiple, complex and interpersonal traumas. This effect, however, can also be found for treatment with CBT, which has been researched more extensi- vely.
A safe and secure start at school – Based on children’s memories and assessments
By Maja Højslet Schürer
This paper explores the memories of older students (10-11 years old) about their transition into the first year of school. The older student’s perspective offers impor- tant insights into how they felt about starting school and how their feelings im- pacted their ongoing relationship with the school. Although the older students have experience with transition and know what it means to start at school, their perspec- tive is overlooked by previous research. Data for this paper were collected from Sep- tember 2019 until June 2020 in an Australian primary school. The collected data were transcribed and analysed and coded constructivist grounded theory. This pa- per will focus on two of the major themes that emerged from the analysis: (1) fe- eling safe and secure and (2) the importance of relationships among children. The
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older children recalled both positive and negative experiences from both themes re- lated to their transition to the school experience.
Psychological assessment of children and young people with hearing loss or deafblindness
By Pia Solholt, Pernille Sejer Donau, Ulrik Skov Hansen and Rasmus Hougaard Pedersen
Psychological assessment of children and young people with sensory loss (Hearing loss and deafblindness) is a challenging task due to the heterogeneous nature and complex characteristics and challenges of the group. When embarking on the psy- chological assessment of children and young people with sensory loss, it is impor- tant to know their specific challenges and the adaptions and modifications that you have to make in order to accommodate their needs so that the psychological assess- ment takes account of the sensory loss. The purpose of this article is to describe and spread more knowledge about our experience with the psychological assessment of children and young people with sensory loss(es), which can lead to more insight into the complexity of the assessment and the opportunities that exist for psychological assessment and further intervention. Hopefully, this article will improve the condi- tions of children and young people with sensory loss(es), allowing them to reach their potential for learning and development despite their functional impairments.
Fight to the Streak – about play fighting’s potential for children’s development
By Marc Malmdorf Andersen and Victoria Waldorff
While play fighting is among the most widespread forms of play in social mammals, it is one of the most misunderstood and discouraged forms of play when it mani- fests in human children. Biologists have documented a wide range of beneficial ef- fects that animals receive from engaging in play fighting, and developmental psy- chologists have suggested similar effects in human children. These insights are rel- evant for pedagogical psychology. This article reviews findings from play research on the effects and function of play fighting during development. The article also presents new findings from a controlled experimental study, where 8- and 9-year- old children, with various play relationships with each other, play fight. The status of play fighting in a Danish pedagogical context is discussed.