39.årgang nr.3 Juni 2002 Fokus på den vidtgående specialundervisning

Bjørn Glæsel
PPRs interesse, viden og engagement i børn med vidtgående handicap

Henning W. Nielsen
Vidtgående specialundervisning – hvem er den rettet imod?

Leif Pedersen
Den gode visitation – realitet eller blålys?

Henning W. Nielsen
Vidtgående specialundervisning – opgavefordeling mellem amter og kommuner

Bjarne Nielsen
Kvalitetskriterier for undervisning af de sværest handicappede

Preben Siggaard
Den vidtgående specialundervisning – set fra en kommunal chefstol

Solveig Gaardsmand
Hvordan kan forældres og børns ønsker opfyldes i den vidtgående specialundervisning?

Ove Carlsen
Den vidtgående specialundervisning – forældreforventninger og det offentliges formåen

Henning W. Nielsen
Vidtgående specialpædagogisk bistand til småbørn – en historie fra det virkelige liv

Else Hellesøe
Småbørn med handicap – beskrevet ud fra en amtslig specialrådgivning

Handicaporganisationerne og specialundervisningen
Jørgen Eckmann

100,00 kr. Inkl. moms


Bjørn Glæsel

PPRs interesse, viden og engagement i børn med vidtgående handicap

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Glæsel, Bjørn (Chief Educational Psychologist in Copenhagen). The School Psychological Interest, Knowledge, and Engagement in Severely Handicapped Pupils. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Rådgivning, 2002, Vol. 39, 3, 213-215. – While schools for severely handicapped pupils have been these for approx. 150 ys. the school psychological services are much more recent, stemming from the 1930’ies in Denmark. New legislation from 1980 put demands on counties and municipalities to teach all children and to provide school psychology. However, surveys have shown, that our services are sparse and lacking. it is suggested that all services realize the importance of serving these pupils, that the difficulties hereof are discussed and remedied, that the views of parents and teachers are gathered, and that provisions are made to secure advice and support in a lifetime perspective. – B. Glæsel


Henning W. Nielsen

Vidtgående specialundervisning – hvem er den rettet imod?

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Nielsen, Henning W. (Former chief educational psychologist of Søllerød). Extensive Special Education – What Pupils? Pædagogisk Psykologisk Rådgivning, 2002, Vol. 39, 3, 216-220. – The existing criteria for the division of pupils into extensive and normal special education are somewhat lacking in precision are being used differently in our country. It is suggested that the following questions should be asked instead, whenever a decision has to be made: can the pupil stay in a normal class or is a special class needed? 1. Has the child a learning potential that can be developed in a normal class? 2. Can the child develop his language enough to profit there? 3. Can the school provide enough support? 4. Can a good relationship with the parents be established? 5. Can the child communicate with his surroundings? 6. Can his contact be developed enough not to be isolated? 7. Can a situation be arranged so that his self esteem is not damaged? 8. Can needs of special treatment be met locally? 9. Can relevant teaching methods be developed? 10. Can his need of special aid be met? – B. Glæsel


Leif Pedersen

Den gode visitation – realitet eller blålys?

Selv om ordet visitation ikke optræder i hverken lov eller bekendtgørelse om den vidtgående specialundervisning er det et begreb, som fylder meget både i folks bevidsthed og med hensyn til den energi og tid, der investeres af lærere, skoleledere, PPR-medarbejdere –og forældre. Spørgsmålet er så, om resultatet står mål med indsatsen? Af cand. pæd. psych., ledende psykolog, Leif Pedersen leder af Børne- og Ungerådgivningen, Solrød Kommune

Pedersen, Leif (Chief Educational Psychologist of Solrød). The Good Referral – Reality of Fake? Pædagogisk Psykologisk Rådgivning, 2002, Vol. 39, 3, 221-233. – In the municipality of Solrød, efforts are made to ensure relevant remedial teaching of handicapped children. The basis of this is a detailed description of each child and its needs. This year, 44 families were asked to evaluate these efforts. 23 families responded: 18 found the school psychological suggestion of placement very relevant or relevant, while 4 found it not very relevant or a waste of time. A number of suggestions abt. an even more relevant procedure are made. – B. Glæsel


Henning W. Nielsen

Vidtgående specialundervisning – opgavefordeling mellem amter og kommuner

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Nielsen, Henning W. (Former chief educational psychologist of Søllerød). Extensive Special Education – Sharing of Tasks. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Rådgivning, 2002, Vol. 39, 3, 234-240. – In Denmark special education is divided between counties and municipalities, the counties dealing with severely handicapped children, and the municipalities with minor problems. The school psychological tasks are also divided in a complimentary system. However, gaps between efforts have risen in some places and more may occur. It is therefore important, that local discussions lead to clarity of the responsibility of all tasks: teaching, training, examination, advice, aids, and in-service training. – B. Glæsel


Bjarne Nielsen

Kvalitetskriterier for undervisning af de sværest handicappede

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Nielsen, Bjarne (Chief Educational Psychologist in Jægerspris). Quality Criteria for the Teaching of Severely Handicapped Pupils. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Rådgivning, 2002, Vol. 39, 3, 241-247. – A number of criteria are presented: 1. Analysis and advice for the school beginners. 2. Teaching of the pupil. 3. Demands to the school. 4. Demands of a coherent advisory and teaching system. 5. Demands to central authorities. 6. Dialogue between central and local systems. These criteria must be discussed by the responsible parties. Methods to develop quality must be developed. Precise goals must be defined, and evaluation developed. – B. Glæsel


Preben Siggaard

Den vidtgående specialundervisning – set fra en kommunal chefstol

Formålet med denne artikel er at pege på det spændingsfelt som PPR befinder sig i, hvilke forventninger og ønsker vi skal indstille os på at indfri, og endeligt på, hvilke konsekvenser det får for den ydelse et PPR kontor skal være i stand til at modsvare, uanset størrelse og normering. I artiklen vil der blive argumenteret for, at det vil blive svært at overleve som et lille kontor, og at PPR i stigende grad skal opfatte sig selv som en del af kommunens samlede børne- og unge politik samt handle derefter. Af Preben Siggaard Børn- og ungechef Herning Kommune

Siggaard, Preben (Chief Administrator in Herning). The Teaching of Severely Handicapped Pupils – a Municipal Point of View. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Rådgivning, 2002, Vol. 39, 3, 248-253. – In Herning the traditional school psychological work continues, and on a high level. However, it is important that the services also become a part of the overall politics in the municipality, defining the conditions for children. This is especially important in the field of preventive measures, and in relation to developmental projects. – B. Glæsel


Solveig Gaardsmand

Hvordan kan forældres og børns ønsker opfyldes i den vidtgående specialundervisning?

Den vidtgående specialundervisning i Danmark er med den seneste lovændring og med Undervisningsministeriets KVIS program inde i en interessant udvikling. Mange nye områder i specialundervisningen bliver nu belyst statistisk, og med KVIS programmets punkter som basis foregår der en mængde tiltag, der vil bevirke kvalitetsudvikling af specialundervisningen. Også skole-hjem samarbejdet bliver forbedret. For forældre har det stor betydning, at de føler, de bliver hørt og taget med på råd af de professionelle, når deres barn har særlige behov. Forældre ønsker et forløb for deres barn, hvori det kan lære mest muligt samtidig med, at det trives i det miljø, som er rammen om undervisningen. Spørgsmålet er, hvordan forældres og børns ønsker kan opfyldes i specialundervisningen i dag. Er der samklang mellem lovgivningen og holdningen hos såvel professionelle som forældre og børn? Og ikke mindst: hvordan ser det ud med ressourcer til at opfylde målene med specialundervisningen? Af Solveig Gaardsmand næstformand, Skole og Samfund

Gaarsmand, Solveig (Vice-president of the PTA-Association). Special Education of Severely Handicapped Pupils. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Rådgivning, 2002, Vol. 39, 3, 254-263. – Recent legislation in Denmark deals with special education of severely handicapped pupils. One important feature is the KVIS program dealing with 9 developmental areas, one of which is PTA-work. While this is very promising, another recent tendency is a diminishing practice of inclusion. It seems that the normal classes have become more restricted in their attitudes towards children with special needs. A number of possible reasons for this are presented. It is argued that attitude changes within parents and teachers are needed. – B. Glæsel


Ove Carlsen

Den vidtgående specialundervisning – forældreforventninger og det offentliges formåen

Artiklen handler om de forventninger forældre til børn med funktionsvanskeligheder har til folkeskolen. I folkeskoleloven er der intentioner om en inkluderende skole hvor der er plads til alle, og hvor hver enkelt barn skal have nøjagtig den undervisning det har brug for. Folkeskoleloven har imidlertid også en »eksklusionsparagraf« der sikrer, at de elever folkeskolen ikke kan klare, skal tilbydes undervisning i amtslig regi. Her bliver grænsen for hvem der har dette behov vigtigt. Hvis forældre ikke får den optimale tilbud til deres børn, presser de på for at få barnet i et specialiseret tilbud. PPR og lærere støtter ofte dette ønske. Der ses også eksempler på, at kommuner med forældrene i ryggen bruger »eksklusionsparagraffen« til eliteundervisning. Vi har brug for en debat om folkeskolens inklusionsparathed, og hvem der har behov for en segregeret foranstaltning i den vidtgående specialundervisning. Af cand.pæd.psych. Ove Carlsen Specialundervisningskontoret U & K forvaltningen Københavns Amt

Carlsen, Ove (Psychologist at the County Advisory Center of the county of Copenhagen). The Gap Between Parent Expectations and the Public Services for Children with Severe Handicaps. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Rådgivning, 2002, Vol. 39, 3, 264-271. – The normal school system is facing a dilemma: on one hand the legislation supports an inclusive school, on the other hand the school system is provided with clauses that focus on exclusion of children with special needs. The wishes of parents vary, as do the attitudes of the school psychological services. This dilemma should be analyzed in depth. – B. Glæsel


Henning W. Nielsen

Vidtgående specialpædagogisk bistand til småbørn – en historie fra det virkelige liv

Ikke udfyldt

Nielsen, Henning, W. (Former chief educational psychologist of Søllerød). Extensive Special Education of Small Children. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Rådgivning, 2002, Vol. 39, 3, 272-276. – Drawing on a case-study, the author discusses the prerequisites of relevant contributions from the school psychological services. It is important that the efforts of the social and educational services are coordinated, that sufficient relevant knowledge is at hand, that parents may be involved directly, and that they are provided with just one contact person, who coordinates the different efforts. – B. Glæsel


Else Hellesøe

Småbørn med handicap – beskrevet ud fra en amtslig specialrådgivning

Artiklen er oprindelig tænkt ind i en større sammenhæng omkring beskrivelser af småbørnsrådgivning i Danmark. Nu står den alene og afspejler således et eksempel i sig selv – sådan kan det også gøres. Artiklen beskriver den funktion Specialrådgivningen for småbørn i Fyns Amt havde i 2000. Der er fortsat udvikling i organisering og strukturering af arbejdsopgaver, ligesom der i slutningen af 2001 er tilført betydelige personaleressourcer, som muliggør udvidelser i tilbud til målgruppen. Artiklen er redigeret af psykolog Else Hellesøe, Fyns Amts PPR

Hellesøe, Else (Psychologist at the County Advisory Center of Fyn). Small Children with Handicap. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Rådgivning, 2002, Vol. 39, 3, 277-284. – The advisory center receive children from the age of 2 mths. It is composed of services from the health system, the social services, and the educational system. It deals with children up to the age of 6 ys. and comprises a multi-faceted effort to describe the child and to give advice to the institutions. – B. Glæsel


Handicaporganisationerne og specialundervisningen

Jørgen Eckmann

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Eckmann, Jørgen (Chairman of the teaching committee of the Organization for the Invalids). The Handicap Organizations and Special Teaching. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Rådgivning, 2002, Vol. 39, 3, 285-288. – Their position is that normal schools should become more inclusive. Four recent constructions are thought valuable: The Complaint Agency, that deals with complaints from parents, The Central Committee for Special Education, The KVIS program, promoting development of quality within 8 areas of special education, and the accessibility to all schools for all children with handicaps. The handicap organizations should be represented in all committees etc. dealing with both special and normal education. – B. Glæsel

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