Bjarne Nielsen
Udvikling af Folkeskolens Specialundervisning Hvorfor er det så svært at udvikle folkeskolens specialundervisning? – belyst gennem udviklingen de seneste 30 år Nielsen, Bjarne (Chief educational psychologist): Development of Special Education. Why is it so Difficult to Develop Special Education in Normal Schools? A Survey of the last 30 Years. Psykologisk Pædagogisk Rådgivning, 2002, Vol. 39, 5-6, 401-535. – Danish School Legislation on special education from 1970 and the following 30 ys. is described, and the findings from major developmental projects are presented. On this background a number of hypotheses were used in an enquiry among school psychologists. Although the answers are not statistically significant, they convey a mass of information that is thought to be valid. |