39.årgang nr.4 August 2002 Relations- og ressourceorienteret pædagogik

Henning Rye
Paradigmeskiftet« i arbeidet med barn med spesielle behov: overveielser om dets bakgrunn og utvikling

Mogens Blæhr
Kompetenceudvikling i kontekst – relations- og ressourceorienteret pædagogik

Peter Westmark
Relationskompetence – et didaktisk perspektiv

Finn Godrim
Fra fejlfinder til ressourcespejder – en udvikingsproces på PPR- områdekontoret i Skive

Lars Tolsgaard & Annette Groot
Tanker og erfaringer vedr. relationsorienteret psykologarbejde på et PPR-kontor

Bodil Skipper Buntzen
En læsekonsulents arbejde i et ressource- og relationsorienteret perspektiv

Anne Sagbakken
Hjelpetiltak i barnehagen

100,00 kr. Inkl. moms


Henning Rye

Paradigmeskiftet« i arbeidet med barn med spesielle behov: overveielser om dets bakgrunn og utvikling

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Rye, Henning (Professor of psychology at the University of Oslo). The Change of Paradigm in the Work with Children with Special Needs: Background and Development. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Rådgivning, 2002, Vol. 39, 4, 309-322. – Based on the insights of e.g. Bowlby, Ainsworth and Stern, new approaches to early intervention were made in the last 3 decades, among these not least the Dynamic Assessment (Feuerstein et al.). The most important tasks for the school psychological services, child psychiatry and the social services etc. are to develop methods that describe and exploit the potential resources that most children with special needs possess. The focus should be on learning and development of the resources. Therefore, a shift should be made, away from the concept of training their weak functions in the child to a mobilization of attainable functions and resources that further learning and development. An important aspect of this is to focus on personal interaction as the medium of development. – B. Glæsel.


Mogens Blæhr

Kompetenceudvikling i kontekst – relations- og ressourceorienteret pædagogik

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Blæhr, Mogens (Lecturer at the Center of Advanced Studies in Northern Jutland). Development of Competence in Context – Relation – and Resource. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Rådgivning, 2002, Vol. 39, 4, 323-331. – In the municipality of Sæby, an effort has been made for some years to implement the understanding of the importance of context, relations, and resources as the main fundament of teaching. However, the courses and seminars for groups of teachers have had little effect, because of lack of understanding at school level. A main obstacle is, that the municipal organization as such cannot comply with the need of a new paradigm. For generations the focus has been on individual problems and dysfunctions within the children. But, the legal context has changed radically in the last decade and the laws governing as well special education as the social services reflect a relational view of problems. This contrast between daily practice and new insight and intent in the legislation must be exploited in better ways. – B. Glæsel.


Peter Westmark

Relationskompetence – et didaktisk perspektiv

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Westmark, Peter (Lecturer at the Center of Advanced Studies in Northern Jutland). The Competence of Relations – A Didactical Perspective. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Rådgivning, 2002, Vol. 39, 4, 332-344. – The ambition is to develop a didactical framework that inspires the teacher to reflect on her behaviour and to relate to her emotions. This is difficult in a busy and stressful job; in order to reflect one has to slow down. This example of pedagogical »Minimalism« does not imply that experiences from relationships should be diminished: the more relationships the better chances of obtaining a flexible and balanced competency. The following suggestions have been found to further this: show positive feelings – adjust yourself to the initiatives from the child – talk about the things the child is interested in – praise and recognize its efforts – help the child focus his attention – give meaning to the child’s experiences by showing enthusiasm – explore and explain with the child – help the child to control himself in positive ways. – B. Glæsel


Finn Godrim

Fra fejlfinder til ressourcespejder – en udvikingsproces på PPR- områdekontoret i Skive

PPR’s arbejde, der traditionelt er baseret på en patologisk forståelse af børns vanskeligheder, kan være medvirkende til at der udskilles stadig flere børn fra normalmiljøet. Der er derfor brug for at PPR inddrager den nyere relations- og salutogenetiske forståelseramme i rådgivningsrabejdet og forsøger at udvide genstandsfeltet for PPR- arbejdet. Artiklen beskriver et udviklingsprojekt på et PPR kontor med det formål at udvikle sådanne nye metoder til brug rådgivningsarbejdet. Af Finn Godrim cand.pæd.psych.

Godrim, Finn (Psychologist, Consultant). From Troubleshooter to Resourcefinder. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Rådgivning, 2002, Vol. 39, 4, 345-351. – A developmental project was instigated at the school psychological office of Skive in order to develop new concepts of child development. The psychologists were taught and trained generally, and then they were supervised in intense advisory tasks with teachers and parents; this was video-taped. The main results were, that the participants felt more qualified, that they were very motivated, that new perceptions take time to become implemented, and not least that the psychologists became much more satisfied with their jobs. – B. Glæsel


Lars Tolsgaard & Annette Groot

Tanker og erfaringer vedr. relationsorienteret psykologarbejde på et PPR-kontor

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Tolsgaard, Lars and Groot, Annette (Psychologists at the school psychological office of Skive). Thoughts and Experiences about Relations Orientated Work at a School Psychological Office. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Rådgivning, 2002, Vol. 39, 4, 352-361. – As participants in the above mentioned project (Godrim, Finn, this issue) a number of experiences are presented: »I have become more conscious of my relationships with children – it makes a difference when I build upon the theories in the project«. – »I have begun to think of resources in other relationships«. – »It has taken trust, courage and honesty to work with myself«. – B. Glæsel


Bodil Skipper Buntzen

En læsekonsulents arbejde i et ressource- og relationsorienteret perspektiv

Læsning handler også om relationer. Det er der ikke noget nyt i. Vi har alle hørt børn og voksne fortælle historier om mødet med én bestemt person, der er kommet til at betyde noget helt særligt for deres udvikling. Alle mennesker har som udgangspunkt kompetencer til at indgå i udviklingsfaciliterende relationer, og det er disse kompetencer vi ved hjælp af kollegaskygning eller videofeedback med de 8 samspilstemaer som spejlingsredskab kan være med til at bevidstgøre og derved udvikle. Det er en svær opgave at ændre problemløsningskulturen på PPR, fordi det nemt kommer i konflikt med brugernes ønsker, som ofte er hurtig sagsbehandling af mange indstillinger. At sætte fokus på relationer tager tid og er sårbart og derfor vil brugerne ofte ønske sig tilbage til mere traditionel sagsbehandling med fokus på barnet. Af læsekonsulent Bodil Skipper Buntzen

Buntzen, Lise Skipper (Reading consultant at the school psychological office of Skive). The Work of a Reading Consultant in a Resource- and Relation-oriented Perspective. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Rådgivning, 2002, Vol. 39, 4, 362-367. – Participating in the above mentioned project (Godrim, Finn, this issue) a case-study is presented. The concepts underlying the project are found very useful, also when dealing with a child with specific dysfunctions (dyslexia). – B. Glæsel


Anne Sagbakken

Hjelpetiltak i barnehagen

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Sagbakken, Anne (Lecturer at the University of Oslo). Remediation in Kindergarten. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Rådgivning, 2002, Vol. 39, 4, 368-384. – Karina is a neglected child, who – as most other neglected children – creates frustration in her kindergarten. However, the culture of most kindergartens are founded on the theories and beliefs of Friedrich Fröbel, its main objective being to be a framework for the child’s free play and own initiatives. While this paradigm is quite positive for normal children, it falls short dealing with neglected children. A project comprising neglected children having been placed individually in some kindergartens found that they were dealt with exactly as the other children, and that no specific attention was given to their special needs. As for the parents of neglected children there is a strong need to involve them and to cooperate with them, leading to common strategies for what could and should be done at home and in the kindergarten. – B. Glæsel

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