49. årgang, 1 februar 2012

Anders Lundsgaard
Fra kompenserende praksis til udviklingsfokuseret specialpædagogik

Anne-Mette Veber Nielsen og Holger Juul
Frilæsning i 1. klasse – effekt på ordlæsning?

Ib Hedegaard Larsen
Læsevanskeligheder og den vanskelige fælles terminologi

Lene Tanggaard og Mogens Blæhr
”Bare rolig – udredningerne ender ovre i skabet” – refleksioner over mangeårig psykologpraksis og et aktuelt skoleudviklingsprojekt

Aage Thomsen
Kognitiv Adfærdsterapi og OCD eller Kognitiv Adfærdsterapi og Obsessiv Compulsiv Disorder

150,00 kr. Inkl. moms

Varenummer PPT121 Kategori


Lundsgaard, Anders (Educational psychologist in Esbjerg). From Compensatory Practice to Developmental Special Education. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2012, Vol. 49, 1, 3 – 8. – While research in developmental psychology and neuro- psychology has accelerated considerably during the last decades, special education does not seem able to absorb this and profit from it. It is therefore important to change sp.ed. from its traditional compensatory approach towards a developmental approach. – Bjørn Glæsel

Nielsen; Anne-Mette, Veber & Juul, Holger (Researchers at The Center of Reading, The University of Copenhagen). Free Reading in First Class – Its Effect on Word Reading. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2012, Vol. 49, 1, 9 – 24. – We examined the relationship btw. individual free reading and progress in the reading of single words during the first school year of 129 Danish pupils. During two mths. in the middle of the school year, we registered the amount of pupils’ loans of free reading books. While the number of books read did have an effect on the reading of words, a much stronger effect was obtained by comparing the number of reading units in each book with word reading. The relationship remained significant even after controlling the reading level of the pupils and the reading prerequisites of the kindergarten children at the end of their stay there. The effect was marked as to the development of reading speed, but not significant as to the precision of reading. – Anne-Mette Veber Nielsen og Holger Juul.

Larsen; Ib, Hedegaard (Psychologist, special teacher). Reading  Difficulties and the Difficult Common Terminology. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift,2012, Vol. 49, 1, 25 – 31. –  The article is based on the lack of common terminology concerning the description of reading difficulties, and Dyslexia in particular. If the definition of Dyslexia as described in ICD-10 is used, the competence to diagnose lies with the psychologists e.g. who rarely determinates the diagnosis in their practiceIf we choose the simple definition, that Dyslexia is equal to difficulties in phonological coding even teachers are able to uncover the difficulties. Dyslexia is increasingly being used synonymously with difficulties in phonological coding and therefore the raising of the question; will we even use such a controversial name or the diagnosis of Dyslexia? If we avoid doing so, it may allow us to focus even better on the descriptions of the pupils’ real problems, rather than the diagnosis. – Ib Hedegaard Larsen

Tanggaard, Lene & Blæhr, Mogens (Professor at the University of Aalborg & former chief educational psychologist, consultant).  Easy Now – The Reports End up in the Closet. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2012, Vol. 49, 1, 32 – 40. – This paper presents the ’midway’ results from a school-development project in a large Danish municipal. The project began in 2009 and is still in progress. The paper analyses and discusses the background of the project, the current results and dilemmas and concludes by presenting a model for working with consultation in relation to the everyday life at schools with children with special needs. – Lene Tanggaard og Mogens Blæhr.

Thomsen, Aage (Psychologist, private practice). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and OCD. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2012, Vol. 49, 1, 41 – 47- The article reports a questionnaire impact study of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) on OCD, the data of which were collated approx. 24 mths. after the end of the treatment. The population was 19 cases. Their ages at the time of their treatment was btw. 11 and 39; 32 % were below 15. 11 % obtained results btw. 0 and 2, “significant improvement”. The results were compared to Foa’s classical study of CBT as treatment of OCD. His research showed that 79 % obtained “significant improvement” when combined with medication, and 86 % with CBT alone. The article tenders a tentative recommendation on the timeframe for optimal treatment of OCD with CBT. – Aage Thomsen.

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