Strøier, Vibe (Psychologist, supervisor). What is the Point?School Psychology in Rites de Passage. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift 2012, Vol.45, 4, 316-329.- .Schoolpsychology is viewed in the light ofthe “The Rites de Passage”(van Gennep, 1909).It contains three stages: separation from the former life, transgression to a new stage, re-entry into a new role in society. Drawing on a.o. Hennington & Hartley the au thor presents this advice to educational psychologists: behave experimentally; do not compete with school heads about specific types ofpsychological know-how, but view psychologists as consultants with speci:fic skills; do not rely solely on consumer wishes, but be in the front line; be open towards cooperation with others than schools and day care institutions; become a knowledge center with connection to universities.-Vibe Strøier
Schilling, Benedicte (Director ofSchilling CTS Ltd. in Norwich, England). Demands of Educational Psychologists. Supervision in a Time of Inclusion. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift 2012, Vol.45, 4, 329-249.- What are the demands of educational psychologists’ supervision ofteachers in a time when fewer children are be ing excluded from schools and day care institutions? Should they be more attentive? Does it imply other functions? Teaebers should master these functions: teach and stimulate all their pupils; develop and sustain a learning culture in the classroom; acknowledge and cooperate with systems ofleadership, colleagues, parents etc.; su pervision should update and qualify teachers individually and collectively.- Bjørn Glæsel
Nielsen, Jørn (Psychologist). Appraisals in Contexts- In Our Time. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift 2012, Vol.45, 4, 349-360.- .Psychological appraisals of the prob lems of children are at the center of educational psychology, and have played a cen tral role when establisrung provisions for children as well as for guidance and coun seling. At the same time appraisals have been used as arguments for the piacement ofmany children in special education and other provisions. lt is recommended that children’s problems should be examined from a multiverse ofperspectives, includ ing earlier provisions and their effects. The focus of appraisals should no longer be the single child, but the child in context.-Bjørn Glæsel