49. årgang, 5 September 2012 Tema: PPR i beredskab

PPR i beredskab

Vibe Strøier
Hvad er meningen? PPR i Rites de Passage

Benedicte Schilling
Justering af PPR psykologernes supervisionsydelser i en tid med inklusion

Jørn Nielsen
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Strøier,  Vibe (Psychologist, supervisor). What is the Point?School Psychology in Rites de  Passage. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift 2012, Vol.45, 4, 316-329.-  .Schoolpsy­chology is viewed in the light ofthe “The Rites de Passage”(van Gennep, 1909).It contains three  stages: separation from the former life, transgression to a new stage, re-entry into a new role in society. Drawing on a.o. Hennington  & Hartley the au­ thor presents this advice to educational psychologists: behave experimentally; do not compete with school heads about specific types ofpsychological know-how, but view psychologists as consultants with speci:fic skills; do not rely solely on consumer wishes, but be in the front line; be open towards cooperation with others than schools and day care institutions; become a knowledge center  with connection to universities.-Vibe Strøier

Schilling, Benedicte  (Director ofSchilling CTS Ltd. in Norwich, England). De­mands of Educational Psychologists. Supervision in a Time of Inclusion. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift 2012, Vol.45, 4, 329-249.- What are the demands of educa­tional psychologists’ supervision ofteachers in a time when fewer children  are be­ ing excluded from schools and day care institutions? Should they be more attentive? Does it imply other functions? Teaebers should master these functions: teach and stimulate all their pupils; develop and sustain a learning culture in the classroom; acknowledge and cooperate  with systems ofleadership, colleagues, parents etc.; su­ pervision should update and qualify teachers individually and collectively.- Bjørn Glæsel

Nielsen, Jørn  (Psychologist). Appraisals in Contexts- In Our Time. Pædago­gisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift  2012, Vol.45, 4, 349-360.- .Psychological appraisals of the prob­ lems of children  are at the center of educational psychology, and have played a cen­ tral role when establisrung provisions for children  as well as for guidance and coun­ seling. At the same time appraisals have been used as arguments for the piacement ofmany children in special education and other provisions. lt is recommended that children’s problems should be examined from a multiverse ofperspectives, includ­ ing earlier provisions and their effects. The focus of appraisals should no longer be the single child, but the child in context.-Bjørn Glæsel

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