54. årgang, nr. 2 April 2017 ”Barnets perspektiv – barnets stemme”

Jette Lentz

Persille Schwartz og Alison Clark
Småbørnsperspektiver – en tilgængelig, gyldig og nødvendig feedback
for udvikling af praksis i dagtilbud

Rune Frederik Cordsen og Inger Lokjær Faurdal
Spændingsfeltet mellem elevers stemmer og læreres handlemuligheder

Hanne Warming
Tillid og inddragelse af barnets perspektiv

Karen Ruth Hansen
Om børns stemmer i pædagogisk udvikling

Lene Tanggaard
Har vi glemt børnene? – overvejelser over analytiske tilganges betydning

Tracey Colville, Sandra Montgomery og Jette Lentz
Spørg barnet – om inddragelse af børn i læringsmæssig praksis

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Abstracts ppt 2/2017 Tema: ”Barnets perspektiv – barnets stemme”.

Persille Schwartz og Allison Clark: Toddlers Perspectives – An accessible, valid and necessary feed-back to practice development in ECEC-centers. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2017, Vol 54, 2, 5-16. The article explores the opportunities that arise when adults engage with children’s perspectives about the environment that we as professionals offer children. When professionals invite children to express their perspectives they often automatically use verbal approaches, such as conducting interviews. This excludes the possibility of involving the perspectives of children who are not verbally articulate. The project “Pedagogical work with children’s perspectives” has shown that visual, spatial and physical methods can help professionals to gain insights into the youngest children’s perspectives on an equal basis with the traditional verbally oriented methods. In this project working with multiple methods focuses on the development of the Mosaic approach (Clark and Moss, 2011) to fit a Danish pedagogical context. This led to the development of an ethical set of values linked to the professionals’ ability to show empathetic
curiosity, pedagogical improvisation and operate with open endings that aim for multiple understandings of children’s perspectives. Involving the youngest children’s perspectives, as expressed through their engagements and movements, can lead to concrete, nuanced and unique insights that enable adults to make wiser decisions. The pedagogues who participated in this project were very motivated by this way of placing children as the starting point for the development of quality in ECEC.

Rune Frederik Cordsen og Inger Lokjær Faurdal: The tension field between pupil voices and teachers possibilities for action. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2017, Vol 54, 2, 17-29. The purpose of this article is to provide insight into a qualitative research project, which concerns itself with how a team of teachers work with creating practices that, based upon pupil voices, can increase student participation in an inclusive perspective. The research identifies the main theme in our research as a tension field between the pupils expressions of their needs in the
classroom, and how teachers perceive how teachers perceive and are able to act upon these needs in regards to the feasibility in the school context. This leads to a question of where the responsibility for possible change, based on pupils voices, lie. The article explores how this theme has emerged through a description of a pupil-feedback-tool, which enables for at more systematic access to the pupil perspectives (voices). In relation to the pupil-feedback-tool the project utilizes a socialconstructionist frame of analysis to examine how teachers interpret pupil voices. The research suggests that even small changes in classroom practices based upon pupil voices is perceived as positive by pupils, but this rests upon the teachers showing their acknowledgement of the pupil perspective in new, or changed, practices and actions. Finally the research explores the possibilities of new practices for teachers in a context they perceive to impede their actions. The project therefor suggests that the responsibility for inclusive change, based upon pupil voices, is pushed upwards towards management and politicians and not downwards towards pupils and their ability to discipline themselves.

Hanne Warming: Trust and listening to children’s perspectives. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2017, Vol 54, 2, 30-38. Most would agree that trust is absolutely essential in social and pedagogical work, and that establishing and sustaining trusting relations with children in vulnerable positions can be a challenging task. Indeed, it is not always easy to discern the small things in daily interaction that create, challenge, destroy and repair trust. In this article, Warming presents a theoretical framework for analysing how trust relations are built up, challenged and affirmed in everyday interactions between children and adults. She does this based on a Bourdieu-inspired reworking of Luhmann’s concept of trust, combined with insights from the new sociology of childhood and empirical findings from explorative workshops and qualitative interviews with children and young people in vulnerable positions. Central to Warming’s conceptualisation of processes of trust (and distrust) is that the creation and maintenance of trust relations requires recognition and the empowering involvement of children’s / young people’s perspectives. The theoretical framework, she presents, enables critical reflections and discussion of how societal structures and power relations condition – and are reshaped by – trust and distrust.

Karen Ruth Hansen: About childrens’s voices in educational development. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2017, Vol 54, 2, 39-50. Children are the most important in schools. To include children’s perspectives in the collaboration on developing good opportunities for well-being and learning is important to the individual as well as the class community.This article draws on experiences with interviewing children in troubled situations in order to include children in working towards a collaborative focus on developing environments that are based on the opportunity
to thrive and learn. The interviews can be seen as a (pedagogical)social practice with reference to Svend Brinkmann. Listening to children’s voices is important. This article provides an insight in specific methods, and their implications for practice.

Lene Tanggaard: Have we forgotten the child? – considerations on analytical perspectives regarding children’s learning. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2017, Vol 54, 2, 51-58. The basic premise of the present article is that the strong discourse on education and learning do not lead to a greater emphasis on the perspective of children. The point is that we need to be aware of the concepts and the methods guiding research on children’s learning, well-being and development. The inclusion of children’s perspectives is crucial for both ethical and professional reasons because they have a right to be heard when possible in decisions regarding their lives. The article introduces a decentrered and ecological approach to the analysis of children’s learning enabling the integration of children’s voices in both research and more practice-based interventions.

Tracey Colville, Sandra Montgomery og Jette Lentz: “Ask The Child” – involvement of children in learning practices.. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2017, Vol 54, 2, 59-74. This is practice article is written by practice researchers and school psychologists from Scotland and Denmark. The article presents us for the GIRFEC program, developed and implemented in Scotland and now also about to be implemented in an area of Copenhagen. GIRFEC (Getting it right for every child) is a model for interdisciplinary meetings and joint action plans concerning children. They are based on that the child’s voice must be involved. It sounds like a simple conclusion that the professionals must involve the child, but unfortunately the pedagogical psychological services involve the childrens’ voice too little and sometimes not. It is a problem if the child and its parents are not supported to impowerment and resilience. There is great risk that the plans made by others in the best of intentions will not materialize or will have a bad outcome if the protagonist (here the child) is not actively participating and motivated. Involving the child’s voice is also easier said than done, because it requires that the entire system around the child is prepared to look at the child as an actor in his or her own life, and as someone who is not only listened to but also actively participate in and take responsibility vs. the action plan as it may help to organize. PPR / school psychologists play an active role in ensuring that the handling of the case from the professionals (school principals, teachers and others) is going appreciative and properly. In Scotland it is written in the law that you have to work for GIRFEC. It requires training to work on the program, and in Copenhagen the interdisciplinary support (PPR) has a major role here after being trained. Theoretically the program is rooted in Vygotsky’s thinking. The article clearly explain this, including value basis.

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