54. årgang, nr. 3 Juni 2017

Tove Davidsen og Lisbet Almstrup Olesen: 
Hvordan kan man forstå processen i et sandplayforløb, som foregår i en gruppesammenhæng?

Stig Broström: 
På vej mod nye styrkede pædagogiske læreplaner

Simone Weng Facondini: 
Når IT bliver et forstyrrende element i undervisningen

Susan Hart: 
Neuroaffektiv udviklingspsykologi og de udviklingsbaserede programmer: NUSSA og Forældre på alle strenge

Astrid Kiil, Nina Madsen Sjö og Maiken Pontoppidan:
Måling af børns trivsel i interventionsstudier

Jon Kevin Staal:
”Det bliver hele tiden lidt sværere, kan du mærke det?”

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Tove Davidsen og Lisbet Almstrup OlesenSandplay with Children in a Group. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2017, Vol 55, 3, 3-16. In recent years there has been an increased focus on psychological treatment of children either in groups or individually. In Psykologhuset for children and youths, over the past six months we have been working with a group of children, who have both received a course of individual sand-play therapy with each their own psychologist/trainee, in a divided room, followed by a group course in a common room. In the article, we have wanted to explain how one may understand the process during such a course. We have drawn upon psychological theories and experience-based knowledge in our analysis of our group sand-play course. Furthermore, we have discussed to what ex- tent the group course has facilitated the individual developmental work in sand- play and whether the child’s experience from sand-play has influenced the way, in which the child entered into the group’s social community. We can conclude that the individual and the group-work can be contained within the same course and that the two have mutually influenced each other. The children appear to have ben- efitted from having the protection in their own mental space and they appear to have participated in the group part of the course with a greater sense of security in ‘being yourself’.

Stig Broström: Towards a new strengthen curriculum. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2017, Vol 55, 3, 17-24. The national Danish curriculum for preschool has run since 2014. In spring 2016 the Ministry for Children and Education has started a process towards a new and strengthen curriculum. The article discusses possibili- ties and limitations. Sure the society must raise big demands and expectations to early year education and care. However, if the objectives and the educational con- tent are too narrow and there is a lack of liberating dimensions there is a risk for to miss children’s influence and participation. Thus the article presents a dynamic and situational Didaktik which might serve as theoretical background for the peda- gogues’ use of the national curriculum. This approach argues for make up a situa- tional analysis as basis for formulation of objectives and choice of educational con- tent. In general the challenge is to balance the pedagogues’ guidance of children’s learning with a child perspective and openness for children’s influence.


Simone Weng Facondini: When IT becomes a disruptive element in the class- room. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2017, Vol 55, 3, 28-41. This article is based on an investigation performed by the author of the article. This investigation examines how the use of IT in the teaching of Danish high school students, affects the students’ academic concentration, along with factors influencing this. This arti- cle is based on an eclectic theory basis, presented by Knud Illeris (2014), Sherry Turkle (2011) and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (2008). The empirical data obtained in the underlying investigation is based on an observation study, an online survey and a focus group interview. The academic founded hypothesis, which the article is based on, is as follows: the use of IT in the teaching of students challenges the stu- dents’ ability for academic concentration. This hypothesis has been founded on ba- sis of a wide orientation in relevant studies. In this article, it is concluded that the use of IT restricts the students’ academic concentration. The norms and structures of society, leads to an expectation that the students are always-on, which means that the students often direct their attention towards various social media. When the attention of the students are directed towards non-learning IT-activities during school hours, it seems that the students are in a condition of flow, which makes the teaching irrelevant and simply a distracting factor. The conclusion from the under- lying investigation is in this article, put into perspective with the current teaching praxis in Danish high schools – this is seen from a psychological ecological perspec- tive. Hereby, focus is placed on how the physical surroundings in the classroom en- courages the students’ IT-activities, to be either learning or non-learning relevant. The aim of this article is to initiate reflections regarding the unintended conse- quences by the implementation of IT-technology in a teaching environment as an obvious didactic tool, promoting the students skills.

Susan Hart: Neuroaffective Developmental Psychology and the develop- ment-based programs:NASSA and Parenting in all keys – let the music play. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2017, Vol 55, 3, 42-53. Development of emotional, personality and social skills are essential to succeed in the highly com- plex culture we are born into. There has been no tradition to substantially focus on the development of such skills in the Danish school system in relation to the child. In facilities working with parents there is a growing interest of manual-based pro- grams, but from the neuroaffective perspective it has been found relevant to create development-based programs for parents. Within the frame of neuroaffective devel- opmental psychology, we have created two different development-based group pro- grams targeting the training of children’s and parents’ emotional, personality and social skills. From this understanding the modules in both programs are designed to tailor the training of both the parent’s and child’s zone of proximal emotional de- velopment, and in the parent program also to develop the participants understand- ing of emotional development, as they learn to support their child’s social, emotional and personality competencies. The aim of this article is giving a review of the two programs NASSA (NeuroAffective Structured Social Activity) for children group training, and Parenting in all keys – let the music play, for parent group training.

Nina Madsen Sjoe, Astrid Kiil og Maiken Pontoppidan: Assessment of child well- being in intervention studies. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2017, Vol 55, 3, 54-65. The aim of this paper is to provide advice and reflections on the assess- ment of child well-being in intervention studies and to give an overview of available questionnaires for different age groups. This is done by outlining the theoretical framework for child well-being followed by some practical and ethical consider- ations related to measuring child well-being in intervention studies. The focus of the paper is restricted to questionnaires that can be completed by parents, teach- ers, pedagogues or children. The paper summarises the results of three recent re- ports on available questionnaires that target child well-being and lists databases and web pages with up-to-date information about available tests and question- naires.

Jon Kevin Staal: “It’s getting a little bit harder all the time, can you feel it?” An observation study of people participating in an intelligens test situa- tion. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2017, Vol 55, 3, 66-78. There is more to be said about the intelligence test situation than stating that it should be stan- dardised. The materials and rules of the test and the specific ways in which the participants handle them is the offset for an adequate understanding of this under- explored situation. The article puts the intelligence test situation into focus through the analyses of two cases of WISC IV testing. The in-depth analysis of the test situ- ation holds value, also for readers unfamiliar to testing, by exploring how methods take shape during use, and how the stuff of such broad concepts as “qualitative in- formation“ and “clinical impressions” are shaped by the specifics of the concrete methodological situations. The test situation contains in particular the themes of difficulty and skill as a consequence of the kinds of tasks that the participants (child and psychologist) engage in. Here the question of variation is pivotal in two ways 1) as something to be dealt with in order for the standardisation to take place, and 2) as information for the participants (in particular the psychologist). This dual presence of variation is a consequence of the practical process of dealing with stan- dardisation. The way the psychologists are engaged in handling the intelligence test situation, and the practical compromises that are reached needs to be included in an adequate description of the situation.

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