57. årgang, nr. 2 maj. 2020-Små børns udvikling – voksnes ansvar

Charlotte Ringsmose og Tine Pernille Schaarup:
Forord: Små børns udvikling – voksnes ansvar

Henning Strand:
Den tidligt forebyggende indsats som indsatsområde for PPR

Gitte Jørgensen:
Kunsten at få teori og praksis integreret for at bringe børn i udvikling

Tine Schaarup og Melissa Bruun:
Spædgruppen i Ballerup – et eksempel på en helt tidligt forebyggende indsats

Charlotte Ringsmose:
Pædagogperspektiver på forskerpraktiker samarbejde med fokus på at skabe forbedrede muligheder for børn i udsatte positioner i dagtilbud

Line Skov Hansen:
Brug af data og forskningsviden i dagtilbud

Charlotte Ringsmose:
Daginstitutioner er forskellige

May Britt Drugli, Elisabet Solheim og Turid Suzanne Berg-Nielsen:
Små barn med lange dager har et høyere stressnivå i barnehagen enn hjemme

Noomi Matthiesen:
Forældresamarbejde, tillid og de fortiede uenigheder

Udenfor tema:

Helene Stæhr og Mariane Hedegaard:
Psykologens konsultative arbejde med observationer i PPR – med fokus på opbygning af fælles succesmål
Helene Stæhr og Mariane Hedegaard:
Barnets perspektiv på tværfaglige møder – observation som konsultativ samarbejdsform

225,00 kr. Inkl. moms

Varenummer PPT202 Kategori


Abstracts ppt 2/2020 – Små børns udvikling – voksnes ansvar

Early prevention initiatives as a focus area for PPR

By Henning Strand
In 2018, the municipalities’ National Association and Danish Psychological Associa- tion concluded a study of the practice of PPR psychologists in six Danish municipal- ities . This article is based on some of the issues in the study dealing with the tasks of PPR psychologists, dilemmas and current practices in relation to prevention, ear- ly intervention and development aid for toddlers . The study shows that it is difficult to implement an early intervention in the municipalities, even though it is political- ly adopted and backed by employees . The study also shows that conflicts often arise at multi-disciplinary meetings, because some meeting participants want to main- tain an individual perspective on children in difficulty, while others want to under- stand the child’s reasons for reacting,  as they do,  in response to the difficulties they encounters in everyday life .


The art of integrating theory and practice when working with children’s development

By Gitte Jørgensen
The article describes practice in a treatment center for children with severe attach- ment disorders . Systemic theory, the developmental theory of Daniel Stern as well as Neuroaffective developmental psychology are theoretical references . Play and Theraplay® are methods used to ensure the experience of a childhood despite grow- ing up in a professional setting . It is in the hands-on, day to day focus on significant moments, predictable structure and a playful and caring attitude, the knowledge of developmental traumas comes into practice . This is a describtion of some of the ways we are working to assist the children developing emotional and social skills.

Early Intervention Therapeutic Group Sessions for Emotionally Vulnera- ble Mothers to Infants in the Municipality of Ballerup, Denmark

By Tine Schaarup and Melissa Bruun
In this article, we (health care nurse and psychologist) would like to share our experi- ences with early intervention group sessions for emotionally vulnerable mothers to infants . The group sessions are conducted by a health care nurse and a psychologist working in the daycare and school system in the Municipality of Ballerup . The initia- tive was initiated four years ago as a pilot project . More than 40 mothers have now completed the one-year-long group intervention . In this article, we describe the group intervention, the goals of the group and the themes and contents of sessions . We il- lustrate our findings through four cases to describe the psychosocial development of the mothers and their infants in the group sessions . At the end, we give our recom- mendations to future actions to keep on facilitating the excellent development accom- plished in the group and mental well-being of the mothers further on in their life.

The importance of high-quality environments in particular for children in vulnerable positions

By Charlotte Ringsmose
Research points to the importance of high-quality environments in particular for children in vulnerable positions . In this research, we have worked with professional development in the municipality in Denmark with the highest numbers of disad- vantaged children . The professionals participated in ten workshops with a focus on learning environments and playful learning . In this article, the professionals have been interviewed about their experiences with this way of working with profession- al development . It turns out that the length and the depth of the intervention were crucial for the professionals to understand and activate the potential in creating new opportunities for children in vulnerable positions . The focus on learning envi- ronments was essential . A risk factor in these types of professional developments is spreading the knowledge when only some of the professionals participate.

Use of data and research-based knowledge in practice

By Line Skov Hansen
In this article, research on the use of data and research-based knowledge in educa- tion is presented as an introduction to different perspectives on the work with docu- mentation and evaluation in Danish Early Childhood and Care (ECEC) . Work, which connects with the national ECEC reform and its revised curriculum . The ar- ticle also presents selected results from interviews conducted in six ECEC services . These interviews focused on i .a . the collected types of data, as well as the available research-based knowledge in the six ECEC services, and on the experiences and perspectives of the teaching staff related to their use of data and research-knowl- edge in practice .

Childcare centres and parents are essential to child development

By Charlotte Ringsmose
Childcare centres and parents are essential to child development . High-quality pro- fessional care prevents developmental gaps due to family backgrounds . In this study, differences between childcare centres with high and low quality are re- searched, as well as the prerequisites for developing qualities . It is crucial to focus on developing high-quality care, particularly in centres with many children from disadvantaged backgrounds . It is also important to support quality leadership and parent engagement .

Small children are more stressed in childcare than at home

By May Britt Drugli, Elisabet Solheim and Turid Suzanne Berg-Nielsen
Research from Norway shows that small children are more stressed in childcare than at home . In particular, children with long hours in care . This is the first study investigating the cortisol level in very young children in care.

The collaboration between parents and educational professionals in daycare

By Noomi Matthiesen
This article analyses the collaboration between parents and educational profession- als in daycare . It is argued that collaboration is increasingly seen as a way to re- duce the risks associated with early childhood, and is thus considered a medium for creating the best conditions for preschool children’s well-being, learning and devel- opment . The collaboration is based on a relationship of trust where it is necessary to have a mutual trust in both parents and the educational professionals . This trust has two dimensions: a fundamental dimension where one trusts the other to want to do what is right and proper, and a competence dimension where one trusts that the other has the ability to do what is right and proper . The analysis shows that collaboration is vital for both parents and educational professionals . This potential- ly results in the silencing of worries and disagreements in an effort to safeguard the trusting relationship.

Undenfor tema:

Participant observations in educational psychological counselling – build- ing relational expertise

By Helene Stæhr and Mariane Hedegaard
This article examines the collaborative challenges of how to create relational exper- tise in current Danish educational psychological counselling (PPR) . Evolving around the psychologist’s consultative practice conducting participant observations in schools and daycare, we focus on challenges that may arise in consultative set- tings where different professionals have diverse views and sometimes opposing agendas .
Based on qualitative fieldwork, we present a case study of an interdisciplinary meeting about a school child . The analysis shows how using the observation to as- sess the child’s situation may escalate an argumentative style of communication that tends to hinder efforts of understanding difficulties from multiple angles and across diverse areas of the child’s everyday life .
The analysis points to the need for establishing collaborative conditions that wel- come and encourage diverse professional perspectives . We argue that the psycholo- gist must strive to facilitate participant observation as a tool for working with other professionals’ values and motives to create relational expertise and common knowl- edge as a foundation for intervention.

Participant observations as collaborative practice in educational psycho- logical counselling – focusing on the child’s perspective

By Helene Stæhr and Mariane Hedegaard
This study examines collaborative challenges applying participant observations in counselling sessions that are dominated by problem-focused characteristics of chil- dren . Based on qualitative fieldwork in the current Danish educational psychologi- cal counselling (PPR), we analyse a case study of a counselling session between a psychologist and the educational staff at a daycare unit . Focusing on how profes- sional intentions and agendas are coordinated, we analyse how the child’s perspec- tive is handled in the communication between professionals who meet diverse de- mands and responsibilities in relation to the child in focus .
The analysis shows how the PPR psychologist’s professionalism is negotiated in opposing discourses and expectations to her position . We argue that creating com- mon knowledge among different professionals may facilitate discussions on how to use observations both of the child and the educational practice . We point out that establishing collaborative positions collaborating on how to use the observations may be crucial for the educational staff to experience ownership to new perspectives and ideas . Finally, we argue that addressing diverse and sometimes conflicting ide- as of how change may be facilitated may help to shape discussions that both include the educational practice and the child’s perspective.

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