Abstracts ppt 4/2020 – Pædagogisk kvalitet gennem organisatorisk og professionel udvikling
Bent B Andresen: Preconditions for exploratory practice and organisational learning in day care
This article relates to efforts to improve pedagogical environments and activities in day care, i .e ., family day care (0-2-year-olds), day nursery (0-2-year-olds) and kin- dergarten (2-5-year-olds), where the leader and the employees are engaged in ex- ploring these environments and activities – and learning from it . The historical de- velopment of day care in Denmark indicates that analytical practice has not always been emphasised, but in recent decades, positive experiences have been taken place to cover the need for the knowledge provided by the analytical practice . In general, it helps to strengthen the primary actors’ understanding of pedagogical environ- ments and activities . It presupposes a view of children, where they are considered competent in relation to important aspects of their lives as children, and an ap- proach in which the pedagogical staff incorporate children’s perspectives . It strengthens the staff’s professional knowledge and judgment . Furthermore, it strengthens the preconditions for professional guidance including the conditions for receiving pedagogical-psychological consultancy .
Jan Peeters: In search of Pedagogical Heroes: What makes practitioners improve their pedagogical practice?
Since I started working in ECEC, first as an educational psychologist, and later as a researcher, I have been fascinated by the following two questions: what makes people change their practice in order to meet the needs of children and families?
And what makes others not able to change and often reproduce the same practice of mediocre quality during their whole career? (Peeters, 1993; Peeters, 2008a; Peeters, Vandenbroeck, 2011; Peeters, Sharmahd, 2014)
For the last few years I have been working as a consultant/researcher in coun- tries in Eastern-Europe, the Caucasus, South Africa and Vietnam (Peeters, Hulpia, 2018, Peeters, 2019, Declercq, Peeters, 2020) . In the different countries where I worked and conducted field visits, I saw the same phenomenon . For every ECEC centre that gives answers to the challenges of today’s society, another ECEC centre reproduces the same low-quality practice as years ago . Nevertheless, both services receive similar financial support from the government .
To get an answer to this question of what makes individuals and services open to change, I propose a journey that will lead us from narratives of practitioners that work in innovative services, to inspiring continuous professional development (CPD) paths, and to coherent policy on a local, national, and international level .
Bente Jensen, Roddy Walker and Maria Marquard: The importance of pro- fessional development in improving the quality of early childhood educa- tion has been increasingly recognised and appreciated internationally in recent years.
Keywords: Early-childhood education, sustainable professional development, pro- fessional learning communities
Peter Andersen: Organisational Development through Psychological Safety and Responsive Leadership
This article focuses on the question of how, as a leader in everyday life character- ised by paradoxes, one can still contribute to creating Organisational Development . This does not happen with hero management, but rather through creating Psycho- logical Safety in the organisation via Responsive Leadership, where you as a leader also dare to show your vulnerability . It is argued that Psychological Safety is the foundation of Organisational Development .
May Britt Drugli: Transition to childcare – the process of young children
Starting in childcare is one of the first major transitions in young children’s life . In this study, the process of 146 one-year-old children when they entered childcare was explored . Parents and key persons wrote notes on children’s day one, three, five and nine in childcare and these notes were analysed by use of thematic analy- sis . Results indicate that several visits to childcare before starting and parents at- tending childcare more days seem to facilitate the transition of young children. Further, several children were found to be tired at the end of the second week in childcare . Findings are discussed .
Charlotte Ringsmose: Vulnerable children benefit from high-quality professional ECEC
We know from research that high-quality early environments form a strong founda- tion for development in particular . In Denmark, research indicates that the quality of the care children meet in childcare can look very different from one centre to an- other, and sometimes between groups in the same centre, quality varies . Data from this study shows that vulnerable children are at risk of low quality . The education- al psychologist can use environmental tools such as data and research to point to work with the professionals and develop the quality at the centres .
Line Skov Hansen: Developing an Evaluation Culture in ECEC
The article describes key aspects concerning the development of an evaluation cul- ture in Danish ECEC, which is collective, systematic, analytic, informed by data and research and oriented towards the improvement of the learning environment . In Denmark, an evaluation culture with these characteristics is part of the latest Day Care Reform, and it here an essential framework for working with quality . In the development of an evaluation culture in ECEC, it is important to focus on the definition of evaluation in an educational context, as well as the prerequisites and experiences already existing in regards of establishing an evaluation culture and capacity contributing to the successful practice of the ECEC practitioners .