Dennis Groth
Det är viktigt att eleven i skolan kan känna lärandets glädje Min avhandling (Groth, 2007) handlar om hur elever i behov av särskilt stöd uppfattar de specialpedagogiska åtgärder som rikta mot dem, och som de är en del av. Undersökningen har genomförts i tre norrbottniska kommuner i Sverige med sex elever och tre speciallärare knutna till eleverna. Groth, Dennis (Lecturer at Luleå Technical University). It is Important That Pupils Experience the Joy of Learning. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2008, Vol. 45, 5-10. – An in-depth examination of six pupils and their sp.ed. teachers is presented. The pupils received their sp.ed. apart from their regular classrooms. They perceived their special education as positive in view of their needs, but at the same time somewhat negative attitudes from their classmates had adverse effects on their self concept. Such types of conflict should be discussed seriously; one kind of remedy would be to change the normal class system and teach pupils in varying groups, reflecting their motivation and skills in stead |
Hanne Pia Eriksen
Et bud på en dialogbaseret integrationsmodel Denne artikel har til hensigt at præsentere en model, som kan være medvirkende til en systematiseret dialog mellem forældre og lærere/pædagoger om det enkelte 2-sprogede barn, en dialog, jeg som psykolog i Vollsmose finder nødvendig som brobygningsredskab i integrationssammenhæng. Eriksen; Hanne Pia (School psychologist in Odense). A Presentation of a Model for Integration Based on Dialogue. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2008, Vol. 45, 11-19. – Being a school psychologist in a part of Odense with a population consisting almost entirely of immigrants, the author discusses how integration could be furthered. Inspired by Danish psychologist and writer, Jan Tønnesvang, she presents a model of dialogue. The intentions of a child can be described as: 1. How do you see me? 2. What do you show me to be my developmental possibilities? 3. Where do you see me fit in? 4. What do you think I should master? Each of these questions should be discussed simultaneously with the child’s parents and teachers so as to invite different views and, hopefully, draw common conclusions. |
Inge Post og Inge Benn Thomsen
TRAS – Tidlig Registrering Af Sprogudvikling Artiklen handler om Tras, et iagttagelsesmateriale, der er til rådighed for pædagoger og personale i dagplejen. Vi håber hermed at styrke interessen for formålet med materialet, som bl.a. er at understøtte ideen om det tværfaglige samarbejde mellem i dette tilfælde pædagogikken i dagtilbud, logopædien og psykologien. Post, Inge & Thomsen; Inge, Benn (Speech consultant in Copenhagen and lecturer at CVU, Copenhagen). TRAS – Early Registration of Language Development. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2008, Vol. 45, 20-30. – The recently developed (2003) instrument registers the following linguistic areas: pronounciation – word production – sentence production – contact – communication – awareness – understanding from the ages 2-6. TRAS has not yet been rigorously defined in research, but its validity seems substantial, and some investigations show a high level of reliability. It has been proved very helpful as a vehicle in the dialogue between parents, kindergarten teachers, and speech therapists. |
Ingrid Busck
Refleksionsrum: Et redskab i konsultativ praksis I projektet ville vi skabe et rum for tværfaglige reflekterende dialoger over pædagogisk praksis, på ligeværdige præmisser.Det krævede andre rammer end dem vi bruger for traditionelle tværfaglige møder. »Refleksionsrum« virkede som en god ramme for de processer vi håbede på at starte. Busck, Ingrid (School psychologist in Greve). Room for Reflection: A Tool in Consultative Practice. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2008, Vol. 45, 31-41. – A project in the municipality of Greve, dealing with linguistic development was implemented for an 18 mth. period. Participants were five psychologists, two speech therapists, three nursery school teachers, and their leader. There were two aims: to change from an asymmetrical position betw. »experts« and teachers, and to change focus from problems concerning individual children to everyday life in the institution. The method was mutual reflection on video spots from the daily life: what were the children doing? What can we conclude from our observations? There were significant changes: the specialists realized the potential value of everyday observations, and the teachers found expert knowledge more useful when fitted to concrete and mutual observations. |
Jóhannes Miðskarð
Pædagogisk arbejde med børn med autisme Ud fra forfatterens arbejdserfaringer med børn med autisme, fortælles der i denne artikel om, hvordan bestemte sæt af begreber dominerer det pædagogiske arbejde med disse børn. Det påstås, at sådanne begreber altid medbringer en dybereliggende tankegang, som definerer de pædagogiske handlemuligheder. Dette eksemplificeret ved at se på, hvilke begreber der anvendes til at beskrive de kommunikative færdigheder og udviklingsmuligheder for børn med autisme, som oftest har en underliggende kognitiv tankegang. Disse begreber dekonstrueres i artiklen for at vise begrænsninger, hvor der siden hen tilbydes alternative tankemønstre til tænkning om kommunikation hos børn med autisme, som forhåbentligt kan give nye pædagogiske handlemuligheder. Midskard, Johannes (Teacher, specialized in psychology). Teaching Children With Autism. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2008, Vol. 45, 42-52. – Working with autistic children, and studying psychology made the author wonder abt. the terms used to describe autism and their consequences. Adhering to Burman’s definition of deconstruction (1994), he discusses the problem of trying to understand the development of the autistic child, using concepts from traditional, stage focused theories of development such as that of Piaget and Leslie’s »Theory of Mind«. The heavy emphasis on cognition is discussed and other venues of understanding are presented. Billington (2000) and Meyer (2003) maintain that autism is better understood as either disturbed emotions or disturbed senses. He finally claims that meta- theoretical considerations should be seen as prerequisites for developmental psychology. |
Jytte Mielcke
Børneklinisk undersøgelse og behandling – med fokus på legen som projektiv metode »The child’s play is his talk and the toys are his words« (Ginott, 1961) Artiklen tager udgangspunkt i en to-dages workshop, som forfatteren afholdt på skolepsykologernes årsmøde i marts 2007. Den omhandler legens særlige rolle og funktion som projektiv metode i det børnekliniske undersøgelses- og behandlingsarbejde. Indledningsvis foretages en præsentation af de mest anvendte projektive undersøgelsesmetoder i en historisk – teoretisk ramme med særlig vægt på den projektive legemetode og den projektive billedmetode. Afslutningsvis gives et indblik i en konkret legeobservation med en 4½ år gammel pige; en legeobservation, der udviklede sig til en korttids legeterapi. Mielcke, Jytte (Psychologist). The Child Clinical Examination and Treatment. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2008, Vol. 45, 53-65. – This article is derived from a workshop at the annual meeting of Danish school psychologists in March 2007. It deals with the special role and function of play as a projective method in child clinical examination and treatment. The most used projective examinatory methods are presented in a historical-theoretical framework, focusing on the projective play method and the projective picture method (Rorschach, Murray, Bellack). Finally a case study of a 4 ½ ys. old girl is presented; a play observation that led into short term therapy. |
Susan Hart
Hjernens udvikling, familiær traumatisering og seksuelle overgreb At brobygge hjernens affektive strukturer med personlighedsudvikling er relativt nyt. I denne artikel gås et skridt videre, ved at undersøge om denne integration kan nuancere forståelsen af, hvordan børn påvirkes psykisk af seksuelle overgreb, og hvordan barnets tilknytning til sine nære omsorgspersoner, har stor betydning for denne påvirkning. I artiklen beskrives en hierarkisk model af hjernen, for herigennem at nuancere forskellige former for personlighedsforstyrrelser, der kan være et resultat af seksuelle overgreb fra forskellige krænkertyper. En mere nuanceret vurdering af barnets personlighedsstruktur, selvbeskyttelsesstrategier og grad af traumatisering, sammenholdt med en vurdering af ressourcer i familiesystemet, vil kunne pege på en langt større nuancering af hensigtsmæssige behandlingstiltag. Hart, Susan (Psychologist, specialist in psychotherapy). Brain Development, Traumatism in Families, and Sexual Abuse. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2008, Vol. 45, 20-30. – Bridging the affective structure of the brain to the development of personality is a relatively new accomplishment. In this article a further step is taken by examining whether this integration might give a more detailed understanding of the psychical impact on children having been sexually abused, and how the child’s attachment to close caretakers might influence the impact. A hierarchical model of the brain is described in order to detail different kinds of personality disturbances that may stem from sexual abuse from different types of abusive adults. A more detailed assessment of the personality structure of the child, its self defensive strategies, and the level of traumatization combined with an assessment of the resources of the family may point to far more subtle choices of adequate treatment. |