Stallknecht, Ane & Van der Klein; Næsby, Margit (Chief of The Advisory Center for Children and Youngsters in Høje-Taastrup and Family Chief in Roskilde). The Placement Reform – A Closer Look. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2010, Vol. 43, 6, 453 – 472. – In 2006 a reform was instigated in Denmark, dealing with the placement of children and youngsters with social problems and special needs. In their master study the authors analyze the implementation of the reform, based on a questionnaire study in the municipalities about seven aspects: school attendance, follow-ups, child policy, standards of administration, education, involvement, and economy and professionalism. Their analysis shows that attitudes and practices in the municipalities are developing, but slowly. – Bjørn Glæsel.
Christoffersen; Ditte, Dalum (Counsellor of bullying). The Position of the Researcher among School Children. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift. 2010, Vol.43, 6, 473 – 484. Performing a field study in a classroom of 10 ys.old children about bullying, the author analyzes the complex situation of the participating observer in a constantly mobile field. She found it much easier to identify herself with the children than with the teachers and their dilemmas and problems. It was possible for her to obtain a view into the world of the children – and more easily the world of the girls. She found it possible to obtain a closer position to the children having no adult tasks in the classroom. – Bjørn Glæsel.
Kousholt, Kirsten (Lecturer at The University School, The University of Aarhus). Child Perspectives, Learning, and Evaluation. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2010, Vol.43, 6,485 – 498. From a position of critical psychology, the author analyzes observations and interviews from three lessons in primary schools, her focus being how evaluation might encompass the views of the children. The children are seen as having important self-insight and do possess a readiness to act, but this must be seen in relation to the structural conditions put by adults. Important insight is to be gained by studying the reasons given by children for their participation in the process of evaluation. Research based on a child perspective requires curiosity about their participation, their position, and the conditions that they are subjected to. – Bjørn Glæsel.
Ovesen; Maria, S. (Ph student at The University of Aarhus). How Can School Psychology Support P.T.A. Cooperation with Parents of Bi-Lingual Children? Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2010, Vol.34, 6, 499 – 512.P.T.A. cooperation is considered an important means to create integration of bi-lingual children in primary school. School psychology should play an important part in this area, but no research seems to have been published abt. this. Little is therefore known about the area. Since 2008 the school psychological office in Odense and researchers from The University of Aarhus have collaborated abt. two projects to gain insight in the area. The first steps deal with the challenges put by parents to the psychologists, building on a theoretically founded model of dialogue aiming to develop present psychological practice. It is discussed why S.P. is so rarely involved. – Bjørn Glæsel.
Rasmussen; Ole, V.; Bévort, Pernille & Knap, Sigrid (Chief educational psychologist and jazz musician). School Psychology – Interdisciplinary Cooperation – And Jazz. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2010, Vol.43, 6, 513 – 536. – Might jazz influence school psychology? At the school psychological office in Ballerup a jazz trio was invited to perform, and their leader, Pernille Bévort, was interviewed. The specific qualities of performing jazz music are underlined; e.g. planning, scores, and improvisation etc. Much inspiration may be gained for school psychological practices; drafts for meeting might be less structured and more inviting, participants should be asked to take part in the discussions and to “improvise”, concepts and abstract definitions may be exchanged by more concrete ways of meeting and describing problems, and solutions should be the results of individual contributions as opposed to choices between traditional and well known short cuts. – Bjørn Glæsel.
Jensen, Ole Juul (Student of pedagogical psychology): Comments to The Report on Special Education by The Ministry of Finance. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift 2010, Vol.43, 6, 537 – 539.