47. årgang nr. 4. juni 2010

Søren Hertz
ADHD – selve forkortelsen forstyrrer vores nysgerrighed

Camilla B. Dyssegaard
Inkluderende pædagogik – fra ideal til praksis

Charlotte Ringsmose & Jo Juncker Harsløf
Daginstitutioner som sprogligt læringsmiljø

Sanya Gertsen Pedersen
It i skolen i Danmark – erfaringer og perspektiver

Stefan Svedberg
Förslag till IT-strategi for grundskolan med inriktning mot ett lärande arbetssätt

Lone Husby
Mindfulness Mediation – en mulighed for forældre til børn med autisme

Lena Boström  & Maria Calissendorff
Lärstilar i nordisk forskning; teoretiska utgångspunkter och empiriska iakttagelser om grammatik och musik

150,00 kr. Inkl. moms

Varenummer PPT104 Kategori


Hertz, Søren (Child psychiatrist). ADHD – The Abbreviation Itself Disturbs our Curiosity.  Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2010, Vol. 47, 4, 267-286. – The concepts psychical illness and handicap overlook the invitations that children and youngsters present us with. Diagnoses are solely selected glimpses, and yet ADHD has been termed as a handicap, genetic illness and a state of deprivation. Based on a view on development that underlines the hidden developmental possibilities of children and youngsters, the article deals with the challenges that present themselves. Strategies founded in compensatory efforts do not further development. It is argued that children and youngsters should be met with insistent curiosity. At the same time our present system of referall should be altered in the light of this new view on development.  –Søren Hertz.

Dyssegaard; Camilla, B. (Psychologist, ph.d.). Inclusive Teaching – From Ideal to Practice. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2010, Vol.47, 4, 287-306. – Based on her doctoral dissertation, the author presents the main findings from her own study of inclusion at four primary schools. Three guiding themes were: culture, strategies, and practice. Her quantitative and qualitative data support these conclusions: the importance of common values and goals for all employees, cooperation between heads and teachers, and cooperation between teachers. The three main obstacles to inclusion were: organizational shortcomings, attitudinal aspects, and lack of knowledge. She recommends that schools seek cooperation with universities and other institutions offering further education in order to further a locally founded,   research based developmental approach at the school. – Bjørn Glæsel.

Ringsmose, Charlotte & Jo, Juncker Harsløf (Lecturer at The Danish University School , The University of Århus). Day Care Institutions as Linguistic Environment. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrif, 2010, Vo9l.47, 4, 307-316. – For bilingual children and children from poor backgrounds the day care institution is the most important arena for linguistic development. A number of American studies are presented; they each illustrate important aspects of development. Three important prerequisites are presented: a rich content, furthering reflection and dialogue; reading, rhyming, songs, and jokes; social relations furthering emotional contact. – Bjørn Glæsel.
Pedersen; Sanya, Gertsen (Consultant at The Danish Institute of Evalu
ation). Computers in Danish Schools – Experiences and Perspectives. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2010, Vol.47, 4, 317-321. – Danish primary school teachers are not afraid of new technology; they use computers in their teaching. There is, however, a need to focus more on the results in all subjects. The Institute of Evaluation and The Ministry of Education have initiated further education, involving 14 municipalities. – Bjørn Glæsel.

Svedberg, Stefan (filosofie licentiat i pedagogik). Proposal of an IT Strategy for the Primary School.  Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2010, Vol.47, 4, 322-325. – Drawing from experiences, published in Sweden and own research, the author presents these important conclusions: learning does benefit from the use of IT. In some cases collaborative learning should be preferred. – Bjørn Glæsel.

Husby, Lone (Psychologist at The Cognitive Center in Odense). Mindfulness Meditation – An Opportunity for parents of Children With Autism? Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2010, Vol.47, 4, 326-336. – Parents of children with autism face more challenges than parents of children with other severe handicaps. The “Early Bird” program seems to have positive consequences for the parents. The program “Mindfulness Meditation” was designed to alleviate the symptoms of patients suffering from chronic deceases etc. One study was found about M.M. being used with parents of children with autism (Singh, N, et. al. 2006). The author argues that both programs should be used more widely. – Bjørn Glæsel.

Boström, Lena  Calissendorff, Maria (Swedish psychologists, ph.d.). Learning Styles in Nordic Research. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2010, Vol.47, 4, 337-350. –The theory of Learning Style is presented, and two investigations are presented. A study by the author examined possible connections between L.S. and the learning of grammar in secondary school comprising 323 students. The experimental group obtained significantly higher scores than a control group in five areas: final test results – memory – attitudes – evaluation and understanding. Another study examined how six preschool children learned to play the violin. A number of factors had influence: furniture – motivation – structure – stamina – time spent etc. A comparison between these studies and the L.S. theory might help develop the theory. It is suggested that that the theory should be redefined to encompass everything new or difficult, however theoretical of practical it might seem. – Bjørn Glæsel.

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