52. årgang, 2 april 2015

Elisabeth Arnbak
Forskningsbaseret praksisudvikling i skolens faglige læseundervisning

Jette Petersen, Peter Lauritzen
Projekt i Aarhus går nye veje i forhold  til utilpassede og  kriminalitetstruede unge (13+)

Iram Khawaja
“Det muslimske sofa-hjørne”- integration, muslimskhedog racialisering

Anna Sejer Nielsen
“Det er rent cowboyland” – unge i overgangen mellem psykiatrisk hospital og folkeskolen.

Bjørg Mari Hannås
Sammenhengen mellom tidlig innsats, tilpasset opplæring og spesialundervisning

Mathias Lasgaard, Julie Christiansen & Rikke Holm Bramsen
Overgangen fra grundskole til ungdomsuddannelse

Sofie Wille Østergaard, Ditte Holm Sørensen, Marie Louise Reinholdt-Dunne, & Barbara Hoff Esbjørn
Særligt sensitiv? En kritisk akademisk analyse af begrebet.

Birthe Rusike
Projekt Wii – et casestudie af et træningsprojekt i en specialklasse

150,00 kr. Inkl. moms

Varenummer PPT152 Kategori


Arnbak, Elisabeth (Lecturer at The University of Aarhus).Research-Based Content Area Literacy Instruction. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2015, Vol.52, 2, 3-15 – The Project VIS (‘Knowledge, Instruction, and Strategies’) examined a partnership model for developing research based content area literacy instruction. The project was established in the municipality of Hvidovre and involved the participation of 10 literacy supervisors, 10 social studies teachers and their 7th grade classes. The literacy supervisors were trained in modeling comprehension strategies and coaching their colleagues in implementing research-based comprehension strategies instruction in their social studies classes. The effects of the project were evaluated by questionnaire data from coaches, the participants’ reflective logs, and by on-line observations by the researchers. Data indicate that instructional coaching by literacy supervisors has a positive effect on the development of teachers’ instructional practices and is an effective way of spreading research-based knowledge in school. – Elisabeth Arnbak.

Petersen, Jette & Lauritzen, Peter (Psychologist in Aarhus & Head teacher). An Aarhus Based Project Treads New Ground in Relation to Adolescents at Risk. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2015, Vol.52, 2, 16-28. – This paper describes an intervention called “På Rette Vej” with adolescents at risk during the last five years. The 43 young people all had massive maladaptive behavior to an extent, where they could not participate in teaching within a social setting alongside other pupils. The method was based on a pupil/client centered approach where patience and respect of the adolescents were important elements regardless of their history of misbehaving. The basic in“På Rette Vej” is individual teaching in individual locations, a protected work place and a support worker, who helps the adolescent when needed. The idea is to motivate and activate the young person during his entire day. This daily programme is followed by monthly meetings with every necessary person from the professional and personal network around the young person. Results from the 43 pupils who had their teaching in the programme, show that 37 returned to further education and /or a work place. Only 6 pupils went to treatment care homes. It was also found that collaboration and coordination in the network has been a big challenge in this kind of program, where the manual consisted of different solutions for each young person. It is recommended that further evaluation is done with this at- risk group. – Jette Petersen & Peter Lauritzen.

Khawaja, Iram (Post.doc. at the University of Aarhus). The Muslim Sofa Corner. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2015, Vol.52, 2, 29-38. – In a high-school north of Copenhagen, teachers express concern in regard to the growing number of Muslim students and their way of engaging in the school context. The students are positioning themselves in a separate corner (the sofa-corner) during breaks, and controlling each other in regard to religious ideals and demands thus forming an enclave in the larger network of groupings in the high school. This article analyses the concern seen from the point of view of the professional, who in many cases feel that she has no access or any tools to intervene in the forming of the sofa-grouping. The article makes visible how the concern for the proper integration is embedded in certain race based religious and social processes of alienating, and points towards new perspectives on how it is in practice possible to work with inclusion when one takes the power relational and structural processes of exclusion and othering into consideration. – Iram Khawaja.

Nielsen; Anne, Sejer (Chief educational psychologist in Langeland). Adolescents in Transit Between Psychiatric Ward and School. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2015, Vol.52, 2, 39 54. – In the fall of 2013, a researcher at University College Lillebaelt interviewed two 8thgrade students who had been released from a psychiatric ward after being treated for depression. The interviews revealed that spending time in a psychiatric unit and away from school can disrupt students’ relationships and activities at school. The researcher also interviewed two teachers, a parent and a psychiatrist about how to facilitate the transition from the psychiatric unit back to school. This article discusses the interviews and highlights the importance of inter professional collaboration in supporting students` return to class and day-to-day life. It also provides suggestions about how professionals can support the students in their transition, and describes what the students themselves find most helpful, when transitioning back to school. – Anne Sejer Nielsen.

Hannås; Bjørg, Marie (Amanuensis at the University in Nordland). Relations Between Early Intervention, Individualized Teaching, and Special Education. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2015, vol.52, 2, 55-67. – For some years authorities have focused on the principles and strategies for early intervention and Individualized teaching as a means to lower the extent of special education in Norwegian schools. An analysis of recent documentation and relevant research suggests that the development in sp. ed. seems more founded in established practices than in official and ideologically founded strategies and principles. IT has been shown that the amount of sp. ed.  has been growing. The consequences are discussed. – Marie Bjørg Hannås.

Lasgaard, Mathias; Christiansen, Julie and Bramsen; Rikke, Holm (lecturers at the University of Southern Denmark). Transition From Basic to Upper Secondary School. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2015, vol.52, 2, 68-80. – Transitory periods in adolescence may trigger feelings of loneliness. Very little is known about factors contributing to the development of loneliness in school transitions. The aim of the present study was to investigate predictors of loneliness in the transition from basic to upper secondary school. Data from 1376 students were collected at study start (Time 1; excluding highly lonely students) and two-and-a-half months later (Time 2). Internalizing symptoms (i.e., symptoms of depression and anxiety; low self esteem) at Time 1 predicted high levels of loneliness at Time 2. Socio-cultural factors (i.e., ethnicity, parental education, and living arrangements) did not predict loneliness. Vulnerable adolescents with internalizing symptoms are at risk of loneliness in transitory periods. Hence, school-based prevention and intervention programs targeting loneliness may be particularly relevant to this group. – Mathias Lasgaard, Julie Christiansen og Rikke Holm Bramsen.

Østergaard; Sofie, Wille; Sørensen; Ditte, Holm; Reinholdt-Dunne; Marie, Louise & Esbjørn; Barbara, Hoff (The University of Copenhagen). Highly Sensitive? Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2015, Vol,52, 2, 81-96. – The paper is written by staff at the Center for Anxiety (CfA), Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen. CfA is a treatment and research project regarding anxiety disorders in children aged 7-13 years. The present paper provides a critical academic analysis and discussion of the term ‘highly sensitive’. The main focus of the paper is to provide an understanding of the term and how it compares to anxiety in childhood. As the term is increasingly applied by professionals working with children, an understanding of the literature within the field becomes pivotal. Our findings suggest a number of overlaps between ‘highly sensitive’ and anxious. However, the evidence base in regards to the term ‘highly sensitive’ is limited, and we must therefore be cautious when applying the term. Whether describing children as ‘highly sensitive’ assists us in promoting mental health in children is discussed. – Sofie Wille Østergaard, Ditte Holm Sørensen, Marie Luise Reinholdt-Dunne & Barbara Hoff.

Rusike; Birthe (psychologist at Aarhus Council, Special Education Needs Department). The WII Project. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2015, Vol.52, 2, 97-118. – Wii-Project – a case study of a training programme of children with special needs. This article presents the results of training concentration in SEN children through a certain Nintendo Wii game within a natural environment. Through the main study it aims to find out if adults working with SEN children could change their view on training special needs in the complex system of a Danish After School Club (SFO). The hypothesis of the study was that a changed storytelling could change the development, i.e. the relation between adult and children with special needs through positive focus on training specific areas in a daily context. Results of an audit among staff in the after school club showed that the adults had other narratives than expected in concern to childrens development. Furthermore it suggested that a project of this kind is likely to strengthen the children’s relationship to other children in the school club and create positive stories about every individual child’s competence. – Birthe Rusike.

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