Nissen, Dorte (MSc in Paediatric Psychology, consultant) Counselling – Process and Practice. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2015, Vol. 52, 4, 3-15. The process of counselling easily transforms to a process of giving expert advice, which on the one hand often is called for, but on the other hand neither works as well as expected nor provides the parties with optimal positions for further cooperation. The challenge is to facilitate processes that make it possible to interweave ideas from both the counsellor and the person who is seeking counselling. It is suggested to build from a case example, various practical ideas, questions and ways to navigate between pitfalls.
Lentz, Jette (Interdisciplinary Leader, City of Copenhagen) Inclusion of the Child’s voice and the development of network meeting and learning communities. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2015, Vol. 52, 4, 16-25. The article wishes to clarify that educational psychologists should help to ensure that the child’s perspective will be incorporated in the work processes of change in relation to inclusion and learning environments. Another reason for this article is to bring the child’s voice more into the professionals’ work, because we must live up to the fact that in 1991 Denmark signed the UN-Convention on Rights Of The Child. This means that children must be heard and involved in all matters that concern them and that they have rights. PPR facilitates networking meetings with children, their parents, teachers and educators in action learning processes. The idea is to involve children and parents as equal contributors in a coordinated effort.
Madsen, Birgitte (former Head Psychologist at Odense Municipality, now Business Psychologist, PPR-Fyn); Schrøder, Karina Amtkjær (MA and consultant for the Department of Children and Youth, Svendborg Municipality); Juhl, Andreas Granhof (MSc in Psychology. & Professional Doctorate in Systemic Practice). “Together we avoid complaints” – a development project between two municipalities. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2015, Vol. 52, 4, 26 40. This article presents two models both based on dialogical principles. “The Odense Model” was originally developed in Odense municipality to reduce complaints from parents in processes of inclusion in schools. The article shows the four key elements in the Odense Model and how the Odense model reduced the amount of complaints to zero in Odense. The second model “The Odense-Soenderborg model for inter-municipality learning” is based on a two-year collaboration between Odense and Soenderborg Municipality. Based on this collaboration, Soenderborg integrated the Odense model and as a result moved from having the most complaints in Denmark to zero. Based on these experiences, a general model to facilitate inter-municipality learning is presented with three elements. Both models are used in the final section to argue, that the public sector must move towards a both-and perspective that integrates both bureaucratic and dialogical principles in public governance. Furthermore, it is argued that employees must move into a double position model integrating the position of authority and the authorising position to echo this both-and approach.
Schwartz, Ida; Bork (MSc in Psychology., Ph.D. and Associate Professor, Center for interdisciplinary professional work with inclusion, Research and Development, University College Lillebælt) and Bergstedt, Gitte (Pedagogue and undergraduate MA in Pedagogy, SDU). Specialised knowledge in General Pedagogy. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2015, Vol. 52, 4, 41-51. This paper discusses how specialized knowledge is to be understood in educational work, and suggests that an understanding of children’s special needs may be related to understandings of what is at stake for children in general in their communities in kindergarten and school. The paper argues that the use of specialised knowledge in school must be developed in daily practice, based on the knowledge of the everyday lives of children in which the efforts should work in. Based on research in a specific child’s transition from kindergarten to school, we discuss the possibilities for integrating specialised knowledge in the strengthening of the general institutional arrangements these institutions organise for children and their parents.
Ekeløf, Pernille Mathilde (Authorised MSc in Psychology) and Thomsen, Mette (Authorised MSc in Psychology, competency unit, Ringsted Municipality) Theraplay activities in day-care centres. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2015, Vol. 52, 4, 52-71. In order to take steps in developing Inclusive learning environments, there is a need for developing methods and sharing interventions aimed at developing professional caregivers’ ability to enhance children’s social and emotional skills. This article documents that activities inspired by the therapeutic method Theraplay can be a very useful element in this endeavour. This article presents a pilot project in which Theraplay activities are implemented in educational practice in ordinary day care centres, in order to develop children’s socio emotional skills and their abilities of mutual interaction. Based on of the collected data from a focus group interview and questionnaire survey, it is discussed whether the intervention has had an effect in relation to the objectives set. Finally, perspectives on how the further implementation of these activities could be expected to promote the well-being and development of both children and educators are presented. It is our hope, that this article will contribute to inspire practitioners working in the field of PPR and stimulate further research in this important field.
From, Ditte-Marie (Centre for Health Promotion Research, Department of Environmental, Social and Spatial Change, Roskilde University, Denmark) Healthy, overweight children. Language constructions of the health education space. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2015, Vol. 52, 4, 72-85. The discourse of the obesity epidemic prevails widely in Denmark. From a public health perspective, the obesity epidemic is ascribed severe health consequences, which should be prevented as both the individual and the socio-economic well-being is at stake. From a health educational point of view, the notion of a pervasive obesity epidemic has specific implications for the sustainability of the welfare state and the good life. In the name of prevention, health educational interventions are directed at young children, as health is not regarded as a private matter, but as a shared responsibility that must be acquired. For this reason, children are offered participation on health courses. Educationally, this causes a double sided way to a healthy life: Dissemination of health knowledge, and the creation of a moral obligation to act healthy. This article is based on my doctoral work with analyses of what certain narratives, assumptions, stigmatisation, objectives, strategies and approaches to obesity makes for the appearance of a discourse of inadequacy in health education. The article presents analytical generated arguments for the importance of not dismissing the element of inherent resources, which forms the basis of any productive health education. Focusing on eminent resources as opposed to presumed inadequacies, creates a reinforced approach to sustainable human welfare, as well as a corroborative impetus for looking at overweight children as healthy, overweight children.