48. årgang, 1 februar 2011

Anne Mette Thorhauge og Anne Birgitte Brus
Computerspil og afhængighed

Charlotte N. Ring
Når teenagere bliver mødre

Dorthe Landholt og Kirsten Jungersen
Flerfamiliestue projekt og tilbud

150,00 kr. Inkl. moms

Varenummer PPT111 Kategori


Thorhauge; Anne, Mette & Brus; Anne, Birgitte  (The University of Copenhagen and The University of Roskilde).
Computer Games and Addiction.
Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2011, Vol.44, 1, 3 – 25.
– The paper presents an overview of different research traditions dealing with the issue of videogames and addiction such as neurophysiology, clinical psychology and sociology. Apart from certain sociological studies, most of these approaches apply a definition of addiction taken from other fields such as pathological gambling or internet addiction and do not distinguish between different types of viodegames and videogame players. For this reason, the paper continues with an alternative strategy focusing on the way studies in videogame economies, genres and playergroups may shed new light on problematic playing patterns. It becomes obvious, that potentially problematic timeconsuming playing patterns have to be studied in the light of the broad technological and cultural spectrum videogames represent and the everyday life and contexts within which they are being played. – Anne Mette Thorhauge

Ring, Charlotte, N. ( Psychologist, Brøndby Kommune).
When Teenagers Become Mothers.
Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2011, Vol. 44, 1, 26 – 43.
– What is it like to become a teenage mother and a user of the counseling center, “Young Families on the Way”? The life and progress of a young mother in the program is followed, and it is shown to what degree and how the mother develops and profits from the counseling. The article is a single-case study with qualitative interviews and rating scale markings. It is validated by research based investigations. The analysis shows that this teenage mother experienced her motherhood as a large upheaval and a positive change, and that she has gained much from the support offered in this program. – Charlotte N. Ring.

Landholt, Dorthe & Jungersen, Kirsten (Psychologist at the school psychological office of Copenhagen and chief s.p. of this office).
A Multi-Family Project.
Pædagogisk  Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2011, vol.44, 1, 44 – 55.
– Inspired by the Marlborough method, a multi-family project for preschool children was established in Copenhagen. Its aim was to prevent problems and to further the well-being and development of the children, thus minimizing the needs of sp.ed. later on. The teachers involved were trained and supervised by psychologists. Five families participated for e period of 12 weeks. All families report having profited. – Bjørn Glæsel.

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