ABSTRACTS til nr. 4 – 2011
Ringsmose, Charlotte (Professor at The University of Århus). Contextual Awareness and Dedicated Involvement. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2011, Vol.48, 4, 325 – 336. – At Øverby Competence center, Norway, a pilot project focusing on systematic evaluation of special educational practices presents the outcome of working with five children. A case study is presented: an 11 ys. boy with acquired brain damage is to be taught computerized writing, and math. etc. The teaching goals were operationalized using Goal Attainment Scaling; pupil progress was followed by continuous rating scales. The results were positive; probably because the use of systematic evaluation implies dialogue between evaluation and educational practice. – Bjørn Glæsel
Vassing, Christne (School psychologist in Ringsted). Developmental Consultation. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2011, Vol.48, 4, 337 – 348. – Two tendencies necessitate a change of school psychological practice. A large percentage of children usually placed in special classes and schools are to be included in normal classes. The use of tests by educational psychologists should be diminished in favor of consultative practices, mirroring the growing understanding of pupil problems being more of a relational nature than individual ones. At a school educational office a teaching program was instigated, comprising 6 lectures of two hours duration. The desired changes are dependent of some prerequisites: if teachers are to find consultation meaningful the schools have to recognize this method as useful and legitimate. The demands on school psychologists are to demonstrate the method and to explain its underlying theories of child development. – Bjørn Glæsel
Andersen; Frank, Ørsted & Højfeldt, Gitte (Lecturer at The University of Århus and lecturer at The University of Copenhagen). The Success of Finnish Education Begins in Kindergarten. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2011, Vol.48, 4, 349 – 358. – While the unequivocal success of Finnish pupils in reading, math., and science is well documented, a search for possible reasons is going on. The authors have examined Finnish kindergartens in their search, and present a case study at one institution showing a very structured, safe, and ambitious developmental and learning setting. Two factors are thought to have a significant impact: The teachers´ constant focus on linguistic development, which is beneficial to all, including bi-lingual children and children with weak backgrounds and the high degree of respect for the knowledge and status of the teachers shown by the parents. – Bjørn Glæsel
Kragh-Müller, Grethe (Lecturer at The University of Århus). Child Perspectives on a Good Child Life in Two Cultures. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2011, Vol. 48, 4, 359 – 378. – In a project, data were gathered abt. the perspectives of children of their everyday life. Children from two different day care institutions in two different cultures, “Børneengen” and “Anemonen”, were interviewed individually and in groups abt. their views on the quality of their institution. This was compared with their view on the possibilities of actually having a good child life in their institution. In addition the institutions were observed for five days. The examination shows that a good life is synonymous with having opportunities to play with good friends and to have good and varied play opportunities. The relations with the grown- ups were also quite important; to do things together with them, but also to finding them “nice persons” who did not scold but instead allowed them to do things – and not too strict on rules. The children at “Børneengen” expressed more well-being on a number of areas than those at “Anemonen”. The observations showed that there were differences of both material and cultural nature between the institutions. This implied differences in the developmental opportunities of the children – a condition that was reflected in the interviews with them – Grethe Kragh Müller
Bloch; Rosa, Louise (Consultant in CASA, The University of Roskilde). Sensitive Steps in an Appreciative Direction, Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift 2011, Vo9l.48, 4, 379 – 389. – What would happen if we in a pedagogical and psychological developmental project seek to step out and away from the categories that we usually understand interaction by and thereby view interplay in quite new ways? This text proclaims a work with human dynamics, inspired by social constructionism, but also supplied by a body-phenomelogical focus on bodily being.in-the-world as a kind of methodological appreciation. A sensitive developmental project is underlined to avoid distancing expert and observing positions, in stead – in new ways – to recognize the areas that we work with. Thus, new understandings of participation, interaction, conflicts, and not least developmental possibilities may be created. – Rosa Louise Bloch