48. årgang, 5 November2011

Cathrine Møller
Pædagogisk psykologi. Kriminelle unge – i et alternativt perspektiv

Magnus Carlsen Kleinert, Rasmus Melgaard Hansen og John Strange
Mindfulness behandling af ADHD

Malene Rosenstand Schacht
Overvejelser om forældrekompetence i teori og metode – en praksisbeskrivelse

Pia Stendevad
Absenceepilepsi og opmærksomhedsvanskeligheder

150,00 kr. Inkl. moms

Varenummer PPT115 Kategori


Petersen; Cathrine, Møller (Student of pedagogical psychology and sociology. The University of Copenhagen). Young Criminals – An Alternative Perspective. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2011, Vol.48, 5, 409 – 422. – Keywords: pedagogical psychology, alternative intervention, community psychology, a critical perspective on the social work with young criminals (age 18 – 25). The article comments on the use of pedagogical psychology as a method of intervention, and it  discusses  the problems one has to pay special attention to working with this group. Finally two alternative methods of intervention are presented and discussed. It is suggested that the evaluation of the effects of intervention should be made by the youngsters themselves as a more valid measure. – Bjørn Glæsel

Kleinert, Magnus, Carlsen (Psychologist, Norway), Hansen; Rasmus, Meldgaard (Psychologist, Holbæk), Strange, John (Educational psychologist, Copenhagen). Mindfulness Training of Children With ADHD. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2011, Vol. 48, 5, 423 – 440. – The article investigates the effect of a mindfulness based intervention on children experiencing ADHD related difficulties. Three boys aged 10 – 13 participated in a pilot study subjecting them to a six week intensive mindfulness training program. Scores were obtained using a neuropsychological assessment battery and a symptom rating scale. Based on the results it is argued that there is a possible positive correlation between impulse control and mindfulness. Furthermore that mindfulness due to its low cost might be considered a beneficial treatment in a domain as strained as Danish school psychology.  – John Strange

Schact; Pernille, Rosenstand (Psychologist at a child- and family center in Roskilde). Parent Competence in Theory and Practice. Pædagogisk  Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2011, Vol.38, 5, 441 – 454. – An analysis of theory and practice within the field of investigations of parent competence is presented. Such investigations are important elements of examinations by the social authorities of the total situation of socially vulnerable children, youngsters, and families. Results from parent competence examinations often have a heavy impact on legal decisions. The analysis shows that the answer is not to be found in any one method or theory that seeks to combine the findings within this complicated area, but that an integrating approach is to be preferred. – Bjørn Glæsel

Stendevad, Pia (Psychologist at the Filadelfia Epilepsy Hospital). Absence Epilepsy and Attention Difficulties. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2011, Vo9l.48, 5, 455 – 408. – A study was performed to investigate possible attention difficulties in children with absence epilepsy. In our clinic we had several patients with benign a.e. who had academic and social difficulties. The study group consisted of 30 patients with a.e. according to DSM-IV-TR standards. The indications of possible attention difficulties were accumulated from notes by doctors, psychologists, physiotherapists, nurses, and teachers, totaling 22 patients; 13 female and 9 male. In 6 cases the apparent attention difficulties had not been investigated, and special pedagogical support therefore not given. The importance of being aware of possible attention difficulties when seeing children with a.e. is underlined. While a.e. as such is considered easily treated, it may have implications such as attention difficulties that should be given pedagogical consideration. – Pia Stendevad

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