Artikel 1: Abstract
Rathje, Pia; Wodschow, Anne & Madsen; Svend Aage (Center for Child Sexual Abuse, Rigshospitalet). Sexual Abuse of Small Children. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, Vol. 46, 2, 3 – 12.
Also children younger than seven are exposed to sexual abuse. When a young child is referred to the University Hospital Copenhagen due to suspicion of child sexual abuse the clarification of whether the child has been abused or not remains unsolved in the majority of the cases. The difference between a juridical and a psychological clarification of child sexual abuse is discussed as well as implications of this uncertainty for the psychologist’s and other professionals’ treatment of the child. The article stresses the importance of offering treatment and support for all children and their parents regardless of whether the suspicion of sexual abuse can be confirmed juridically, psychologically or remains uncertain. – Svend Aage Madsen, Pia Rathje og Anne Wodschow
Artikel 2: Abstract
Kramme; Agnete, Lyngbye; Carl, Britta & Egelund, Niels (Consultant, Odense; Head of Division for Daycare, Odense & Professor at the University of Aarhus). Learning Environment Appraisal – A Systematic Method to Assess the Quality of Daycare Institutions. Pædagogisk psykologisk Tidsskrift, Vol 46, 2, 13 – 28.
The daycare institution is pivotal for the development of children’s skills until they start school because almost a 100 per cent of the children in Denmark are in daycare institutions for young children. Until the pedagogical curriculum for daycare institutions was introduced in 2004, Denmark had not been focusing on aims and objectives for the pedagogical work and rarely on methodology and evaluating. However, with support from, among others, a Taskforce for the Daycare Institutions of the Future introduced by the Ministry of Children and Education, this is now changing. The article presents a learning environment appraisal, an innovative method to both assess the quality of the pedagogical learning environments and to target the development of the pedagogical practice in the municipality of Odense. The method evaluates and systematically measures the quality of the pedagogical practice in five central issues in daycare institutions: Care and welfare. Pedagogical curriculum. Physical environment. Qualifications and motivation in the pedagogical staff. Development of inclusive learning environments. – Agnete Kramme, Britta Carl og Niels Egelund
Artikel 3: Abstract
Rasch, David (Psychologist). How Does it Feel, being a Parent of a Child Diagnosed with ADHD? Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, Vol. 46, 2, 29 – 37. –
This article is based on a master thesis in psychology where the author undertook a qualitative investigation of how parents experience being parents of a child diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The investigation undertakes four interviews of three mothers and one couple.
In this article two central elements of the analysis are emphasized: a narrative that sees the diagnosis as a legitimized salvation and a dynamic for social acceptance. The latter is evident in the parents’ wish for a diagnosis that legitimizes theirs child’s behaviour. The narrative and the dynamic elements are deeply entwined and it is argued, on the basis of the analysis, that the children are perceived more positive by their parents following the diagnosis. Furthermore, the perceived change may have a profound impact on the future progress of the child. This is due to the parents’ changed concept of their child as a result of the diagnosis, the narrative that sees the diagnosis as a legitimized salvation, and the dynamic for social acceptance. – David Rasch
Artikel 4 Abstract
Qvortrup, Ane & Rüsselbæk; Hansen, Dion (Assistant professor at the University of Southern Jutland & professor at the University of Aarhus). Claims for Visibility in Day Care – Taking Responsibility and Avoiding Responsibility. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, Vol. 46, 2, 38 – 47. –
Claims for visibility in day care – Taking responsibility and avoiding responsibility.
The article focuses on pedagogical teaching plans in dare care. The plans are designed to ensure quality and to make visible what is going on in pedagogical practices. The institutions have to describe how they are working with six national teaching plan themes. Based on empirical studies the article argues that visualizing pedagogical issues related to these themes does have consequences. It can have various consequences as regards inclusion and exclusion. In consequence of the visibilization even ‘minor’ problems are making a spectacle of themselves. The institutions in the first place feel impelled to take on the responsibility for these. But the risk of being held to account for it, if they do not succeed handling the problems, can force them to pass on the problems to PPR. Never before have so many children been recommended to PPR. On this background, the article suggests, that the pedagogical teaching plans, which are introduced to ensure quality, seem to produce new problems, that may be counter-productive to the assurance of quality. – Ane Qvortrup og Dion Rüsselbæk Hansen
Artikel 5 Abstract
Hansen; Eivin, Rune (Schol psychologist in HøjeTåstrup). From Paralysis to Proactive Effort – Counseling School Teachers. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, Vol. 46, 2, 48 – 57. – Educational psychology experiences staff cuts, and fewer demands are being put on the psychologist by legislation. This creates a need to rethink in ways that help children the most. Inspired by narrative thinking a systematic, early counseling effort involving teams of teachers is introduced. Its six steps are: tuning expectations – meeting the teachers where they are – finetuning the story of the problem – developing a plan – following up and involving the parents – evaluation. – Bjørn Glæsel
Artikel 6 Abstract
Tanggaard, Lene & Dahl, Kristian. The Roots of Consultation. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, Vol. 46, 2, 68 – 81.
In this article we explore the tradition and the kind of profession, of which the psychologist becomes a member when taking a consultative approach. In a Danish context we argue that the psychologist, when taking a consultative approach, inevitably will be formed by Edgar Schein’s (1999) notion of process consultation. We therefore explore Schein’s understanding of consultative work and how this is reflected in practice. Inspired by Dewey (2005) we argue that this way of perceiving consultation both opens and closes doors for the psychologist. We discuss how the psychologist can navigate professionally in the complexity of helping relations by engaging in an integrative practice form. This practice means moving beyond the dichotomy of professional ideals and theoretical dogmas. We argue that the most helpful forms of consultation arise when the psychologist is skilfully able to switch between an expert and a process role. But neither of these will be helpful unless the psychologist is truly able to understand the everyday business and concerns of the client. This must always be the primary context rather than dogmatic ideals for consultation. – Lene Tanggaard & Kristian Dahl
Artikel 7 Abstract
Kousholt, Kristine & Fisker; Tine, Basse (The University of Aarhus). Bullying and the Fellowship of Children – A Narrative Review of International Research on Bullying. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, Vol. 46, 2, 68 – 81. – This article reviews international research on bullying in schools from 2000 – 2010. More detailed knowledge is needed. The discussion discerns betw. 1. and 2. order perspectives on bullying. The aim is to present important knowledge and to explicitly discuss different understandings of bullying. It is recommended also to apply 2. order perspectives on interventions against bullying. – Bjørn Glæsel
Artikel 8 Abstract
Fisker; Tine, Basse (The University of Aarhus). “It Won’t Do to Waste the Time of Children – Inclusion and Prevention in Valby”. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, Vol. 46, 2, 82 – 105. – In 2008 a five year pilot project started in Valby, comprising 257 4 ys. old children. The evaluation builds on interviews with teachers and parents. Important issues have been highlighted in this project; e.g. a three-layer effort towards a. all children (prevention), b. groups of at-risk children (anticipation), and c. individual children with special problems (intervention). – Bjørn Glæsel
Artikel 9 Abstract
Hjelmar, Ulf & Møller, Johanne (Program leader in AKF & senior consultant in Rambøl Management). Arts Education in Primary School – Status and Problems. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, Vol. 46, 2, 106 – 117.
The paper analyses the current arts education in primary and secondary school in Denmark. The paper is based on a nationwide survey among schools, secondary data and available statistics, qualitative data from 27 site-visits on schools and two workshops with stakeholders in the area. The results show that arts education is given some priority in Danish schools despite the fact that there has not been much political focus on the area in recent years. It is also shown that arts education is oriented towards innovation while artistic expression and understanding are not given the same priority, especially in subjects like craft and wood-craft. Finally, it is shown that teaching in arts education is practically oriented, but recent experiments in the area are to a greater extent emphasizing more theoretical elements. –Ulf Hjelmar og Johanne Møller