Ankerstrøm, Lise (Educational psychologist in Gentofte). Atypical Sensory Behaviour
in Children with Autism. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2013, Vol.
46, 4, 3 – 20.
In clinical cases of autism in children atypical sensory behaviour is often described
as an issue, but up until now it has not been part of the diagnostic criteria for autism
in the diagnostic manuals. DSM 5 which will be published in spring 2013 may
include atypical sensory behaviour in the criteria for autism. On this basis the
atypical sensory behaviour is viewed and evaluated by the different perspectives of
history, dominating theories, first-hand accounts and scientific research. It is concluded
that there is a gap between scientific knowledge and the lived reality of the
families with autism and that there is a need for coping with this gap. This coping
might reflect a more integrative approach including both phenomenological and
neuroscientific methods. With regard to intervention high level scientific research
is warranted. – Lise Ankerstrøm
Henriksen; Mette, Mørk & Henriksen; Morten, Norup. (Educational psychologist in
Svendborg & organizational psychologist at Lundby Novrup Aps.). Discursive Undercurrents
as Trip Ups of Inclusion. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2013,
Vol. 46, 4, 21 – 33.
Changes have filtered through primary schools for many years. They have not,
however, gained footing and have been seen as political decisions with little understanding
of teaching practice. The discursive undercurrents are there, but they are
not being questioned adequately. In this way discourse becomes a barrier by itself.
It is recommended to combine organizational knowledge and educational psychology
in a school context. – Bjørn Glæsel
Qvortrup, Ane (Lecturer at The University of Aarhus). Relational Teaching in
an Including Perspective. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrif, 2013, Vol. 46, 4, 34
– 52.
Inclusion in child care services is on top on the political agenda, and thus the question
about quality of inclusion work has become important. With a sociological illumination
of the concept of inclusion as point of departure, this article argues for a
triadic definition focusing on a physical, a social and a psychical aspect of inclusion.
The article discusses how theories of relationships can be used to operationalize the
social and psychical aspects. This is studied with reference to a case. The article
concludes by distinguishing between child-adult-, child-child- and child-community-
relationships. – Ane Qvortrup
Dragholm, Sanna (Leader of The Knowledge Center of Handicaps, Aids, and Social
Psychiatry). On the Track of ADHD in Rudersdal. Pædagogisk Psykologisk
Tidsskrift, 2013, Vol. 46, 4, 59 – 71.
A two-year project aiming at getting a more qualified grip on the treatment of children
with ADHD was launched in the municipality of Rudersdal in 2010. 41 children
were referred to a new ADHD team. The work of the team has resulted in earlier
diagnoses and a more precise process of referring children to child psychiatric
treatment and other forms of treatment. – Bjørn Glæsel
Printz, Camilla (Educational psychologist in Rudersdal). Telling a Story Together.
Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2013, Vol. 46, 4, 59 – 71.
The article shows how involving teachers in therapeutic talks with children in special
institutions and schools can prove beneficial. The purpose of involving teachers
is that they are witness to the steps and initiatives made by the children during the
day. Such initiatives can form a basis for the development of new stories abt. the
child and thus enlarge the number of stories abt. themselves. It is argued that the
child stands stronger and ekes his possibilities of action when he has access to more
stories abt. himself. A case- study of triangular talks betw. child, teacher, and psychologist
is related, and such triangular talks are recommended. – Camilla Printz