50. årgang. 3 Fysisk og socialt læringsmiljø i dagtilbud 2013

Charlotte Ringsmose
Pædagogik og læring

Grethe Kragh Müller
Pædagogisk kvalitet i daginstitutioner

Ditte Alexandra Winther-Lindqvist
Tilrettelæggelse af det fysiske legemiljø i daginstitutionen

Lone Svinth
Det pædagogiske samspils bevægende kraft

Ole Henrik Hansen
Vuggestue som socialt læringsmiljø

Stig Brostrøm
Læring i overgang mellem dagtilbud og skole

Turid Horgen, Ena Caterina Heimdahl og Benthe Nilsen

150,00 kr. Inkl. moms

Varenummer PPT133 Kategori


Ringsmose, Charlotte (Professor at Aarhus University). Education and Learning. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift,2013,Vol. 46, 3, 4-11 – During the latest years more focus has been put on the importance of the environment and social relations in day care institutions. It has been demonstrated that high quality of early efforts has significant impact in adulthood e.g. in the choice of education, work, and social relational competences. At the same time early infanthood has been shown to be an especially important period of learning, laying a lifelasting foundation. Charlotte Ringsmose

Kragh-Müller, Grethe (Lecturer at Aarhus University). Educational Quality. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift,2013, Vol. 46, 3, 12-22) – Quality of education in day care institutions is a complex and multidimensional phenomenon that cannot be defined once and for all. Research has documented important prerequisites such as group size and relations betw. teachers and children. Quantitative measurements have been criticized, and it is recommended in stead to involve all parties in the definition of quality. Grethe Kragh-Müller

Winther-Lindqvist, Ditte Alexandra (Associate Professor in Developmental Psychology, Department of Learning and Education, Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University). Play and Learning in Day Care InstitutionsPædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2013, Vol. 46, 3, 23-34 – This article describes how the physical environment, toys and equipment provided for children’s various forms of play in early childhood education is important for the quality of children’s play. Working from a cultural-ecological perspective on education and development it is argued that it requires knowledge and expertise to provide rich playing environments for preschool children. Focusing on and providing an optimal physical environment is part of taking care of children in a play based curriculum like the Danish. The article describes various forms of play and their developmental relevance along with recommendations for how to stimulate play in nursery (0-3) and day care (3-6) pedagogically and physically. Ditte Alexandra Winther-Lindqvist

Svinth, Lone (PhD fellow, Department of Education, Aarhus University). Affectivity and Learning in Day Care Institutions. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift 2013, Vol. 46, 3, 35-50 – Internationally it is acknowledged that the interaction between pedagogues and children in early childhood settings has major influence on children’s learning and development. Nevertheless there is in Denmark relatively limited research on how qualitative aspects of this interaction influence children’s learning opportunities. In this article affectivity, as a qualitative aspect of the interaction, describes the transpersonal or prepersonal intensities that emerge as bodies affect one another (Massumi, 2002). Affects do not ‘belong’ to anybody; they are not solely attributable either to the human or to any kind of body alone, but emerge in situations of the encounter and interaction (between bodies).This article reports on how affectivity emerges and develops and how children and adults create mutual conditions for each other’s action in relational processes. The reported case study is based on video recordings of pedagogical encounters (e.g. workshops, circle times, lunch) in two Danish early childhood settings over a period of 11 months. Applying Stern’s (2010) concept of forms of vitality it is found that the intensity takes on many dynamic forms and permeates daily life influencing what it becomes possible for the children to experience and learn in the two early childhood settings. Lone Svinth

Hansen, Ole Henrik (Psychologist, Aarhus University). Day Nursery and Social Learning. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2013, Vol. 46, 3, 51-59 – In Denmark, nine out of ten children under the age of three are in public day-care. The question is: how does this affect the children? Do day-care institutions offer all children the same opportunities as would be expected in a democratic society? And if not, what are the consequences for the children? To answer these questions, this article attempts to identify various patterns of interaction and pedagogic organisation at the institutions – and their effects on the child’s development. Pedagogically, the author applies development in zones and considers the child’s development as a product of zones of shared intentionality where the child is offered the opportunity to imitate the carer in various ways. The article indicates that local pedagogic choices and conditions are decisive and, according to the statistical analysis of the thesis, interdependent with – or sensitive to – the level of staffing. It is concluded that pedagogic choices appear to have importance for patterns of interaction in day-care and that, based on the theory developed in the thesis and an examination of the history of pedagogic theory, it cannot be ruled out that pedagogic choices have significance in children’s development. Ole Henrik Hansen

Broström, Stig (Professor at Aarhus University). Learning in the Transition From Day Care to School. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, Vol. 46, 3, 60-70 – This article deals with learning in relation to children’s transition to school. The first part focuses on transition from preschool to school, and a numbers of challenges
are mentioned. The general problem is described as lack of continuity between preschool and school. In order to reduce this problem the author suggests implementation
of so-called transition strategies and activities. Besides a number of transition activities, the author argues for the need of a shared learning concept for preschool teachers and teachers from school, – a play-oriented learning concept. In the second part the author crystallises a numbers of play characteristics which also are seen in a socio-cultural understanding of learning. Such a shared learning concept might pave the way for a successful transition from preschool to school. Stig Broström

Horgen, Turid et al. (Lecturer at the Torshov Competence Center, Norway). The Learning Landscape. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 2013, Vol, 46, 3 , 72-82
– The most important issue when dealing with children and grown ups with specific or general learning difficulties is to create a new physical learning environment in
schools and institutions. It should be adopted to their prerequisites for grasping, understanding, moving in and seeing what is happening. The Torshov Competence
Center has developed their “Learning Landscape” using these principles over the last 20 ys. Bjørn Glæsel.

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